Friday, April 24, 2020

Democrat Politicians Are Stupid

DEMOCRATS ARE STUPID: Especially in Michigan, where they have a “mad governor” to lead the way. But one Democrat stood up and praised President Trump for doing a good job on the Coronavirus panic. Something the Dumocrats didn’t even try. Now they want to censure him for that terrible crime. Something else for Dumocrats to send a lot of taxpayer money doing. Last I saw, the legislature is where politicians debate when they disagree, not try to “rid themselves of this traitor."

UNDERLYING CONDITIONS: Almost every one of the Covid 19 patients who died, only died because they had underlying conditions that were exacerbated by the virus. Those patients should not be included in the list of virus deaths because they may have simply died from their underlying conditions. But the “powers that be” want to make this virus look as terrible as possible, so they lump them together. God knows, it’s terrible enough without them making it worse.

JUDGE BLOCKS BACKGROUND CHECKS: U. S. Federal Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego, California, ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Association in a suit to apply an injunction against the state enforcing that law. In his decision he noted that “Criminals do not obey laws” and are not likely to get their guns legally and stand for a background check, so this law is a waste of time. And it violates the Second Amendment rights of the citizens. He said a background check “defies common sense,” which is what I’ve been saying for years, while anti-gun fools ignore me and continue to pass their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do NOTHING to reduce “gun rime.”

POSTPONE THE ELECTION? “Sleepy Joe” Biden thinks President Trump will try ad postpone the 2020 election because of the virus panic. He wishes! Trump isn’t going to postpone anything that promises to get Biden off his back for good. Trump is going to “eat Biden’s lunch” in November, and it is really Biden who would like to postpone his defeat a little longer I hopes of coming up with something that can help him win. That there is nothing that could ever MAKE him win seems to escape his fuzzy old mind. But then, everything seems to escape him.

AOC SHOWS HER STUPIDITY: Again. Now she’s telling people who are desperate for the money to survive to boycott employment after we “open up” the country again. She doesn’t seem to realize, in her feeble mindedness, that these people NEED to work, and there’s nothing for which to boycott, except stupidity. Of course, you can depend on the fact that AOC herself will not boycott her cushy job as a representative. Or if he does, she’ll still get paid. In Congress, if your name is on the payroll list, you get paid, whether you work, or not.

CHINESE REPORTER RETURNS: Shades of “1984!” A “journalist” from communist China that wrote things the communist Chinese government didn’t like disappeared for weeks. Then “returned” with high praise for those who “handled him” during his absence. Reminds me of the hero in the book “1984,” who was “taken” by “Big Brother’s” people and put through the wringer until all he could talk about was how good Big Brother was. In light of that, how transparent can communist China be?

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