Wednesday, April 1, 2020

No Common Sense

Anti-gun fools love to describe their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws as “common sense gun laws.” But in fact, there is nothing “common sense” about them. This phrase “common sense”, as used in the gun debate, contradicts the plain meaning of the term, so it obscures any honest search for truth. A definition of the phrase is: “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts”. What is common sense about disarming potential victims of the lawless with their Illegal guns, allowing them to victimize the law-abiding at will? What is common sense about making their victims defenseless?

WHY WAS THIS NECESSARY? President Trump has (finally) declared that, on a national basis, gun makers, gun retailers, and gun ranges are “essential businesses, nationwide.” this puts the quietus to all the stupid politicians’ efforts to further disarm us, using the Coronavirus as an excuse. Our Constitution PROHIBITS any infringement on our right to “bear arms” for self defense. That means politicians cannot make it difficult to buy a gun, or designate “gun-free zones” where we may not bring what guns we have, nor require them to be stored in such a way as to make it impossible to get them in use when attacked. Nor any other way to limit our right to be armed.

IT’S NOT RACISM! Nor is it “Islamaphobia. Islamaphobia is a “made-up word” to cast ANY criticism of a Muslim as something mean and vicious. It’s meant to STOP people from opposing a Muslim, in any way, without requiring that Muslim to give any answers to their questions. It’s being used liberally in the State of Michigan, which right now has a Muslim serious candidate for governor. That candidate was recently asked a logical and proper question about his support of Sharia Law, and he “went off” on the questioner, accusing him of Islamaphobia, racism, and any other insult he could find. This is typical in any case where anybody criticizes a Muslim, for anything. They just don’t brook ANY criticism, from anybody, any time. This is why we should never elect a Muslim to ANY office. Not because of his religion, but because of “the content of his character” (as Martin Luther King once stated).

PEOPLE SMARTER THAN POLITICIANS: Immediately when the Coronavirus panic started, politicians started finding ways to take away our means of self defense, a gun. How that “protects us” is a mystery to me. The law-abiding do not usually take their legal guns and victimize people. Those with ILLEGAL guns DO. Meanwhile, the law-abiding go out, buy guns, and get “carry permits” so they can use their guns to defend themselves against the lawless. Whenever something like the Coronavirus happens—or a major hurricane, or tornado, or flood—anything that promises to disrupt the normal order, the law-abiding know that the lawless are going to go on a rampage, and they want to be prepared.

IF ONLY IT WORKED: I might even be in favor of gun control it it ever started to work. But so far, not a single one of their highly-touted anti-gun laws has ever stopped a single shooting. “Gun-free zones,” for instance, are not only completely useless in reducing gun violence, they INCREASE it. The lawless, who want to victimize the law-abiding, SEEK OUT gun-free zones in which to do their nefarious deeds because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding—who obey their silly laws—will be unarmed there, and completely defenseless. Schools are ALL gun-free zones, by law. Yes, some do allow UNIFORMED “resource officers” to carry their guns there, but they are worse than useless since they are so easy to identify and “deal with” BEFORE the planned executions of students and other staff.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They talk about Joe Biden’s “brain freezes,” but they’re wrong. Biden’s brain is frozen. Every once in a while he tries to use it and notices… Rachel Maddow now officially has naval egg on her face. She ridiculed Trump’s promise to have medical ship hospitals in place in a week, and one docked in New York, and one in Los Angeles today. Plop! Will she acknowledge her error? No. she’ll just act like it didn’t happen and go on to the next insultAnti-gun fools are mad at Trump “dragging his feet” on gun control. I think he’s just stalling until he can figure out something that will actually work to do… Anti-gun fools say gun researcher and author of “More Guns Less Crime” is a “discredited researcher” who “falls apart when pressed. Unfortunately for them, that’s just the opposite of what is true. It is THEY who are discredited and fall apart when pressed because there’s no truth to their side of the argument…

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