Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Forget Joe Biden

He’s never going to be president, for several reasons. One, he’s too old. He has shown positive evidence of the onset of Alzheimer's. Were he president, they’d have to remove him from office because of that, IF he managed to get himself elected. He’s so feeble he needs to be led around by a staffer. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing. He can’t complete a sentence without a gaffe. He can’t keep his facts straight, and he promotes impossible ideas. Ideas that, if enacted, would bankrupt the country. Of course, all the Dumocrats did that. But they aren’t “losing their minds.

WE’VE HAD ENOUGH! People all over the country are “violating” the “stay at home” orders to demonstrate against them. They’re getting very tired of being “cooped up” at home, and not making the money it takes to stay alive, while Congress piddles around trying to pass a second “relief package” that will do little to solve the problem. All they will do is put the inevitable off a little longer until the landlords can’t survive under the “shutdown” and “crack the whip” on people who have no money to pay.

WHAT IS THE POINT? I can see the reason to ban certain things. Boats, boating, pubic gatherings, etc. But I can’t think of a single excuse to ban buying PAINT, asthey’re doing in “The People’s Republic of Michigan” now. And there are many other things would-be despots regard as “non-essential.” In some places cops are even stopping people and searching the bags containing their purchases and fining them if they find what they consider non-essential items. How the merry HELL does THAT help in fighting the virus? It doesn’t. Not in the slightest. They’re just using the virus panic to enlarge their sphere of power.

IT’S ABOUT TIME! President Trump has issued orders to SINK any Iranian boats that harass American ships. It’s about time a president showed some GUTS in the face of harassment by a minor power. I’ve seen those boats, and they remind me of a flea crawling up an elephant’s leg with rape on its mind. They couldn’t hurt the ship in general, but they might be able to “pick off” a sailor or two with their little guns or by getting in their way. By “Shadowing” our military shipping, they violate international law, and ARE subject to being fired upon. Sink a few and they won’t be so stupid.

LITTLE YAPPING DOG: That’s what Nancy Peelosi has become. She no longer does things for the American people. She spends all her time on her “Tantrum” over Trump whipping Hillary. She’s like a little yapping dog biting Trump’s ankles. Trump needs to just “slap her aside” because she’s making it more difficult to do anything good for this country. Now she wants to form yet another “investigatory committee,” this time to “oversee Trump’s Coronavirus response.” Get in the way. That’s all she does.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Peelosi refuses to acknowledge any misjudgment on Covid 19. Of course she doesn’t She’s too stupid to recognize her misjudgments. This broad needs to be put out of pasture before she manages to kill many more people than she has… Communist China has just admitted they underreported their Coronavirus death toll by 50%! You can’t believe anything they say because they lie about everything...NY Mayor DiBlasio, like many liberal politicians, is SHOCKED by the results of his incompetent decisions. He has expressed his shock that some prisoners released because of the virus panic are actually committing crimes… Nancy Peelosi’s “ice cream video” proves one thing. She’s completely out of touch with the needs of society as she slurps up her expensive ice cream out of her $24,000.00 refrigerator while the populace wonders how they’re going to pay the bills…

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