Monday, April 20, 2020

A Wanna-Be Despot

In New Jersey, of course. New Jersey is liberal country. One of the worst in the nation. So who is surprised when their top cop comes out and blurts, “The Second Amendment is not “essential.” But that’s what Colonel Patrick Callahan. NJ’s highest-ranking cop, said the other day. That’s when the governor was struggling with what to declare “essential” and what to declare “non-essential..” under the “guidelines” for handling the Coronavirus. But he’s WRONG, as so many liberals ARE wrong, about everything. The Founders thought it was of sufficient importance as to give it it’s OWN Amendment. Right behind freedom of speech.

TIRED OF CUOMO: I’m getting very tired of NY Gov.Cuomo taking up all the air time in the morning on Fox News.” It’s not necessary. Trump’s appearances cover it nicely. He is, after, all, THE President of the United States. If he can’t tell you what’s happening, Cuomo absolutely can’t. Cuomo’s reasoning for his appearances is a little different from what they think they are. He is “auditioning” for the Dumocrat nomination to run for president, instead of Biden, and those appearances are millions of dollars’ worth of free publicity. They make him look very presidential… Rob Reiner is an imbecile. He says “Trump will lose in a landslide because people will be “voting for their lives.” He’s right about what they’ll be voting for, but not in the way he, in the throes of his stupidity, does not know. Trump represents their lives. He is really a meat-head…

MUSLIM SPOTS BIKINI: Goes bananas. Frankly, I don’t know what possesses Muslims to come here if they are so incensed by our ways. It’s damned sure we’re not going to change to suit them, so they’d better do one of two things. One, back off. Shut up. The same way we do when in Muslim countries or: Two, Go the hell back to that crappy country you left to come here if a bikini “triggers” you so much. You might have come here to better yourself. If so, just shut up and ignore things that you don’t approve of and get to work assimilating into OUR culture instead of trying to bring yours with you. The more trouble you make, the less you will be accepted.

CHURCHES CLOSED. ABORTION OPEN: I can’t figure out why the government would make churches close their doors because of the pandemic, but allow the baby-killers to remain open for business, to continue their murderous ways. What the hell is there necessary to society in murdering a baby that might become the next Einstein? Why the emphasis on murdering infants? Some liberals have gone mad with power. And it IS mostly liberal politicians who so heavily support this infanticide.

IT’S UNSUSTAINABLE: The government takes you money in taxes and sends it like a drunken sailor. Then a pandemic forces an economic shutdown and nobody (much) can work. So the government gives them PART of their money back. People out of work pay little in taxes, and neither do the business that are forced not to operate at full capacity, or none at all. All this results in less, or NO new money coming into the government. If they keep sending money back, that causes a significant increase in the national debt. If they then “print money” that further reduces the money supply by diluting what’s left. Soon it MUST end, one way or the other.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats say Trump’s attack on WHO is an effort to distract from his failures. One little problem with that. He HAS no failures to distract from… I get hundreds of e-mails every day and 98% of them is a demand I send money. They’re disguised as many things, including surveys and requests for my opinion, accusations of “not being with” a candidate for an office, and such. Others pretend to be “news items” and the very same “items” repeat every day, for several days and several times a day, sometimes several times in each e-mail. It wastes a lot of my time and I’m sick of it… Andrew Cuomo is a putz. He says Trump should quit watching TV and get to work. He IS working and that’s what bugs liberals because he IS accomplishing things they could never do…

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