Monday, April 13, 2020

"It's Cuz' of A Myth!"

There’s a myth going around that blacks are immune to the Coronavirus, which is wrong. She blames that for the fact that blacks have a high rate of death from the Coronavirus. Of course that means she can’t be blamed—and that’s what concerns her. Nothing else. She cares not how many blacks died. Nor whites, so long as it doesn’t hurt her politically. Emanuel has a better known name, and we don’t really know much about her. We can only judge by her actions, which are definitely questionable.

DID CHINA CREATE THE VIRUS? There is growing suspicion that communist China CREATED the Coronavirus to completely destroy our economy, and then our way of life. China apologists say, “Poo-poo, that’s not possible. And haven’t many of their own people died?” Yes, right, Lots of Chinese have died as a result of this virus. But that doesn’t mean the communist Chinese GOVERNMENT didn’t start it. The Chinese people are good people and smart. Asiatic students continue to excel. The same cannot be said for their communist masters, who will stop at NOTHING if they think it will work.

WILL BIDEN WIN? I don’t think so. He has shown way too many times that he not only doesn’t know what he’s doing now, he doesn’t even know where he is. He can hardly put together a complete sentence without at least one major gaffe. He has to be led from place to place by one of his staff. Dumocrats are “grooming us” to accept NY Gov. Cuomo in his place. they’ve finally gotten rid of that socialist monster (Thank God!). At least they think they have. But he’s keeping his delegates, even though he has “suspended” his campaign. Note: he hasn’t quit, just “paused.” He will be right there if Biden “bites the bullet” and does something to really end his campaign without a planned backup.

IT’S PREDICTABLE AS HELL: You let a bunch of criminals out of jail early and the crime rate will skyrocket as they go right back to whatever got them in prison in the first place: robbing and killing honest people who are disarmed by the government and are thus defenseless against them. The proof has been immediate. In New York City, for instance, A Bronx criminal released by Cuomo last month was caught beating and robbing a 62-year-old man. This guy was out for less than 2 weeks and was caught assaulting and robbing an elderly man for just the $80 he has carrying. And he may have committed even more crimes in that 2 weeks for which he wasn’t even called out on since cops in many liberal-run cities aren’t even arresting criminals for many crimes.

THE ONGOING COUP: What you’ve been seeing since the very day President trump was inaugurated is a coup, designed to remove him from office, for nothing except that he made them mad by making them look like the silly damned fools they are. They first tried falsely to make the world think he “colluded” with the Russians to win. Although why the Russians would ever want such an anti-Russian candidate is a mystery. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars on that, and almost three years of ruining the lives of several Trump people on spurious charges and got? NOTHING. Then they went for the “obstruction of justice” scam and after spending millions more, again got nothing. Then comes the phone call. They tried valiantly to twist Trump’s words to be a demand on the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s son’s “shady doings.” The coup continues…

POLITICIANS FOR MURDER: Dumocrat (remember that: Dumocrat) Governor “Black Face” Ralph Norman was so afraid of his armed citizens that he declared a “state of emergency” to resist gun crime he assumed would happen that day. And it didn’t Now he’s going to sign into law something that will ENCOURAGE the daily murder of thousands of BABIES while still in the womb, for the “convenience” of the parents, who would rather KILL their baby than bother to raise it. The measure repeals most restrictions on infanticide in Virginia. He says, “No more will legislators in Richmond be telling women what they should or should not do with their bodies.” Yeah. Let ‘em murder their unborn children, instead.

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