Friday, April 17, 2020

Bat Meat or Lab?

The evidence is growing that communist China purposely allowed the Coronavirus to “escape” for their own purposes. A major purpose is to enlarge their sway over world events and their control over the doings of other countries. The virus has caused more economic damage than a world war, and weakened many countries, both militarily and economically. The less money you have, the fewer “instruments of war” you can buy. Word was it appeared first in that infamous “wet market” in Wuhan. Then word was it came from that lab in communist China. I think it was both. I think it came out of the lab and was then first introduced into the public in that market, which, with its less-than-good cleanliness standards, was an excellent place to start the spread.

PELOSI: ENEMY OF STATE: Nancy Peelosi is definitely an “enemy of state” in her unflinching opposition to anything President Trump does. She keeps saying Trump is not getting anything done while he is getting many things done, in spite of her opposition and placing impediments in his way. If there’s anything he is failing to accomplish it’s because of her opposition. She is now obstructing economic response to this crisis that could cause the next recession, or even a full-blown depression worse than anything we’ve seen. She’s a twisted broad who hates Trump with a passion that doesn’t allow her to even understand the damage she has, and will have done. She needs to be “put out to pasture.”

PUSHING FALSE NOTIONS: “Crazy Ol’ Joe” Biden now thinks President Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists. The problem is, that came out of thin air. Then he went on to say Trump thinks all Muslims are bad, and that he is “trying to rip this nation apart.” The problem with that is, it is JOE who is trying to rip this nation apart, with the help of the Dumocrat Party. He has no evidence to prove any of this, but, as with other Dumocrats, he doesn’t need any. Such accusations pop into his feeble brain, and that’s proof enough for him. Biden will say anything, tell any lie, if he figures it will get him elected.

THE “MAGIC PILL”: That may end this Coronavirus panic. In a Galveston County (Texas) nursing home, Dr. Robin Armstrong treated 39 patients with Hydroxychloroquine . NO side effects, and ALL 39 recovered from the virus. Yes, I know. That’s a very small sampling. With 100% success and NO side effects. There is no reason not to try it with more patients because it is 100% safe, and 100% successful. Trump opponents (all Dumocrats) oppose it. At least one governor banned its use in his state. A typical short-sighted politician who thinks he knows more than medical professionals. Some politicians don’t WANT to end this virus panic. It gives them too many ways to get rid of our rights.

OBAMA SUPPORTS BIDEN: Big news! Ex-President Obama has “officially” endorsed Biden. He has finally stated his support of Biden when there is nobody left to support. BFD! Of course, this is typical of his wimpy presidency. He stayed away from endorsing Biden until he had a “sure thing.” That shows he is incapable of making a decision on his own, and will always wait until “the polls are closed” before voting. I’m glad we’re rid of this fool, who came very close to destroying this nation with his incompetent policies.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC thinks Biden is going to call and ask her to be his vice president. Wishful thinking for a controversial first time congresswoman who makes enemies everywhere she goes. And she’s not old enough to be president if Biden dies in office, which is something the odds favor… I have to laugh every time I hear the term, “Democratic Socialism.” As if that were a real thing, and apart from “real” socialism. It is not. Socialism is socialism, no matter how much lipstick you put on it, it is still socialism Just like the pig is still a pig with lipstick… Hunter Biden promised to resign from that lucrative board membership, but six months later he’s still there. Makes me wonder when people promise to send back political contributions to people they claim they don’t like, Has anybody ever checked on that? Doubtful…

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