Monday, April 6, 2020

Just When We Need It

They tell us we can’t have it. While some states—and the federal government—have ruled that gun stores are “essential businesses,” California, true to their gun-hating ignorance, have ordered gun stores and associated businesses closed. It’s unconstitutional, but they have done it, anyway—and it will continue until the courts declare it AS unconstitutional, which may be a long time down the road. That’s how liberals work. Make unconstitutional laws and enforce them until somebody who has enough money to spend goes to court, and the court gets around to acting. So meanwhile, the lawless—who don’t bother obeying anti-gun laws—have a “field day” victimizing people who DO obey their stupid laws.

OVERDOING IT: The President of the Philippines is really stupid. Or he has gone insane. He has ordered his cops to KILL those who violate the Coronavirus curfew. That ought to be grounds for his impeachment—or whatever they use there to get rid of a president who has gone too far. Yes, those who don’t obey the curfew should be punished, but I don’t think a summary death sentence, to be administered by a cop on his own judgment, is required. This president should be removed, then imprisoned.

AOC IS REALLY STUPID! How such a stupid bimbo ever managed to get herself elected to such an important office as U. S. Representative is a mystery. She can’t even figure out that a bill passed into law by 96-0 cannot be blamed ONLY on Republicans. She routinely opens her blowhole, demanding we do this and that, which are usually unconstitutional. She can’t understand that the federal government is NOT “all-powerful” with unlimited money. Its problems cannot be solved by serving up an intoxicating drink, which is all the “experience” she has, while she pretends to know more than we do. Many, some in her own party, are lining up to unseat her, and probably will prevail—which is a good thing.

THEY’RE DOING IT WRONG: I haven’t been critical of most of what President Trump was doing, because it was right. He brought back the millions of jobs Obama said were gone forever, and caused the economy to rise to record levels. But many of the things he has done in response to the Coronavirus are not only bad, they promise to DESTROY all the good work he had done, forever. A new depression is coming, and will be many times worse than the original. People won’t be selling apples in the street, because there won’t BE any apples to sell, and people will have no money with which to buy them. Shutting down the economy is NOT the answer, and it will ruin us all.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: That’s what President Trump said when he heard about Nancy Peelosi’ creating yet one more “investigating committee” with subpoena authority. This tie to “investigate” Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus. As if she wasn’t doing everything she can to derail anything he does—against the virus, or anything else. What needs to be investigated is NANCY’S use of taxpayer money to unseat a lawfully-elected president, using any excuse she can find, or manufacture. Surely, the president can form such a committee, somewhere.

THE VIRUS OVERKILL: I don’t think a mayor—or a governor, for that matter—has to right to close down certain business they have decided were not “essential” to our survival. But they’re doing it, and using the Coronavirus to usurp our civil and economic rights. One mayor has told us that he will “close down certain churches permanently if they don’t obey his “orders” to not hold services during the virus panic. Mayors and governors all over designate gun stores, and any businesses associated with guns, as NOT essential businesses and closed them down. They have no right to do that, but they’re doing it, anyway. Until the courts shut THEM down.

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