Monday, July 22, 2019

"We Must Ban Fire!"

There was a “mass killing” in Japan, but, “thankfully,” a gun wasn’t used to kill them. 33 confirmed dead in a fire purposely set by a man seen setting the fire. He is now in custody and, presumably, will be charged with multiple murders. He has not been identified at this writing, and nothing has been said about his motive. It is said that this animation studio has received many death threats over the years, but until now, none have been carried out. Of course, this will not make much of a ripple in the American liberal media because no guns were used in these murders. They’re only interested in mass murder if a gun is used to commit them

GUN CONTROL INSANITY: An armed deputy sheriff in complete uniform with his badge showing entered an IRS office to ask a question, whereupon he was accosted, at gunpoint, by a gun-wielding security guard who wasn’t smart enough to understand how and why he was armed, only that the IRS offices were a “gun-free zone.” He thought that included armed officers of the law, as well. Well, not including himself, of course. When the cop explained that he could not disarm himself while on duty the security guard pulled his gun on the cop, who decided to just leave to deescalate the situation. The security guard tried to grab the cop to “arrest him” as he was leaving, which did not end well for him, since the cop was a self defense trainer. The guard himself was arrested and charged with aggravated menacing. And rightly so.

OUT OF CONTROL REP.: Dumocrat Rep Al Green again introduced “articles of impeachment” against President Trump. This is his third try, and it was again dispensed with in short order by a 332 to 95 vote (only 95 dumb Dumocrats). Never mind there is not any cause for Trump to be impeached, Green thinks because he hates him, he can bring it off. He just doesn’t understand he is a voice “crying in the wilderness” when the Dumocrats leadership realizes the futility of impeaching Trump with a Republican majority in the Senate, which would be required to either convict, or refuse to convict. Refusal to convict would be a disaster for them.

LIES OF OMISSION: Shepard Smith, one of the most liberal commentators on Fox, “reported” on that tired, old, accusation made by Stormy Daniels that she had had sex with Donald Trump many years ago, long before he ever thought about running for president, and got a $300,000 “payoff” for her silence. Boy! That’s really an expensive prostitute! He reported that Trump’s lawyer, on his own, made that payoff, not mentioning the lawyer thought the charge was false, but could cause problems, anyway. Then he “reports” about that “send her home” chant at Trump’s latest rally, saying that is what Trump had said, when he demonstrably did NOT say anything of the kind.

THEY DIDN’T STOP US!” That’s the whine from an anti-Trump demonstrator who stupidly tried to block an Interstate highway AT NIGHT and got run over for her trouble. She’s damned lucky just to be alive. So she sued her school and everybody else she could think of, and the judge “threw it out of court” because the people she sued had no responsibility to stop the demonstration. I feel sorry for her in that the guy who hit her had no insurance and no assets for her to levy on if she HAD won that suit, even though the fault was HERS. This woman, obviously a liberal, and others, were so distraught about Trump winning the election that they wanted to cause a major problem in response. They succeeded, but not in the way they expected. This is a good illustration that “actions have consequences.”

SANFORD IN THE PRIMARIES: Republican Mark Sanford wants to run for president in the 2020 primaries. Seems like this guy LIKES being “pounded into the ground.” 2020 is NOT the time to run against a popular president that has done so much for this country. But predictably there will be irrational “Trump-Haters” who will contribute much stupid money that he will be a be to run, and thus be “slapped down” by the “Trump Machine.” This guy can’t be too intelligent if he thinks he has one chance in hell of defeating the Trump juggernaut. Dumocrats will be very happy he’s running, since they share his stupidity. I predict he will drop out even before the primaries after running out of money.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The New York Times thinks AOC is “clever.” Which, more than anything else, shows their complete ignorance. Anybody who thinks this bimbo is “clever” has got to be insanely ignorant… Biden says “We need to unify America again,” ignoring the fact that is its his party that created all the disunity, and we could “unify the country again” by his party stopping opposing everything Trump does, even if it’s something they wanted, until Trump wanted it… The liberal media accuse Trump of “incendiary lies” about abortion when what he is doing is telling the truth about it… I just got a question from the National Republican Polling asking if “Crazy Bernie” is too socialist for Americans to accept. There are no “levels” of socialism that are acceptable. Socialism is socialism, and that is unacceptable in its entirety

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