Thursday, July 25, 2019

"Sue the Bast-rds!"

While I’m on the subject of suing people, maybe it would be a good time to bring something up that I’ve been thinking of as I watch the Dumocrats violate every right President Trump has by their incessant “investigations,” going over the same facts time after time and finding nothing, and then opening yet another “investigation” that goes nowhere and spends millions of dollars of OUR money while violating the rights of their "victims." Taxpayers ought to be able to get together and SUE the Dumocrat Party for violating the Constitution many times, in their continual efforts to “overthrow President Trump.” That Trump has done NOTHING illegal has been proven, over and over, yet Dumocrats start yet one more “investigation,” spending more millions of our dollars and wasting the time of a lot of good people just because they did some business with Trump, at one time in his career.

GIVE THEM MONEY!” The question has been asked, “Why has NASA not been more “gung-ho” in advancing the space program, and the answer is simple: give them money. Congress has been famous for reducing the NASA budgets, making further exloration at “full speed” impossible for lack of financing. Meanwhile, the Dumocrats spend millions of dollars in their incessant “investigations” of Donald Trump, that turn up NOTHING, while they then open yet another “investigation,” hoping against hope to find what is NOT there. Then they ask why NASA isn’t “doing something” in space.

JUST BLAME THE COPS: Chicago’s new mayor is saddled with a city drowning in the blood of gun victims, in spite of the fact that they have just about all the anti-gun laws in existence in effect there. So what does she do? She blames the cops. The “easy way out.” Never mind that none of those laws do a damned thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” and that fact makes it impossible for it to be the fault of the cops. Yet the politicians all “jump on the bandwagon” to falsely blame the cops for what the politicians have done, and for which they refuse to take responsibility.

WHY GUN-FREE ZONES? I just can’t understand why politicians all over the country continue to create more and more “gun-free zones,” everywhere you go when they are demonstrably USELESS in stopping, or even slowing down “gun violence,” Instead INCREASING it by disarming the law-abiding, making them DEFENSELESS against the millions of ILLEGAL guns, already out there, in the hands of “bad guys,” who only want to do us harm. Not a one of their highly vaunted anti-gun laws does ANYTHING to stem gun violence, but they continue to make them in the face of solid evidence they do not work, and only make it easier for criminals to victimize the law-abiding.

THEY JUST WANT CONTROL: Politicians have no interest in “gun safety,” except for themselves when they come to take our property under cover of the law. But that is secondary. Their basic wish is to control as much of our lives as they can, and “gun control” is a major part of control of our lives. Anti-gun laws don’t work. That has been proven many times, in many ways. They say the cops can protect us. WRONG! Sure, the cops try hard to do that, but they can’t be everywhere at once. It takes them from a few minutes, to HOURS or in some places, DAYS to respond to a call for help. Admittedly taking hours or days is rare, but it happens.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: It’s really interesting; everything the Dumocrats say will ever happen is happening under President Trump. Like them saying the economy will ever again grow at more than 3%. It is now at 3.2%. Obama said the economy would never come back, yet it has gone to record highs. I guess we can look at their predictions and know what is to come; just the opposite of what they predict… Ilhan Omar looks at Venezuela and blames—not Maduro, who IS responsible, but America, who is NOT. Which proves that an “enemy of America” can be elected to Congress if he/she can con enough good people into voting for him/her… AOC doesn’t surprise me that she can be “surprised” that plants actually GROW! Which tells me how stupid she really is—if her daily vomiting of stupidities did not… Washington Post seems to think that black racist/socialist “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan is a conservative, which shows their abysmal ignorance…

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