Friday, July 19, 2019

Only 700 Stupid People

In New Zealand they had a mass shooting that killed a bunch of people. So they decided to make themselves defenseless against future such killings by disarming their people. They announced a forced gun buy-back so that all those stupid enough to “turn in their guns” could do so. And only 700 people (out of the millions in NZ) obeyed. There’s an “amnesty” period, as if gun ownership was a crime. Many are waiting for that to be over before “knuckling under.” Others say the only answer after it expires will be a revolution. I’d bet on a revolution. People don’t like to be defenseless.

DON’T WANT TO WIN! The Dumocrats MUST not want to win the 2020 presidential election. That has become obvious when they make such pronouncements that, “If elected, I will appoint America-hating soccer ‘star’ Rapino Secretary of State.” Others promise that, if elected, they will raise our taxes and make policy decisions that will bring back the unprecedented unemployment Obama caused, and told us to “get used to it.” And most of the bunches and bunches of Dumocrat presidential candidates offer socialist “freebies” that can only be paid for by people who actually WORK for a living, and produce new wealth. Freebies that are guaranteed to bankrupt America. That’s not the way to win.

THE ENVY OF THE WORLD”: That’s how President Trump describes our economy after just over two years of his administration, in spite of all the roadblocks the Dumocrats have put in his way, and keep putting in his way. And he’s right, and predictably the liberal media says he is “praising himself.” Quite different from the Obama economy, which almost destroyed our economy. An economy that Obama assured us was never going to get better. Where millions of Americans were not only unemployed, but they had given up on ever again finding a job. The Stock Market is closing at record highs, after doing so many times in the last couple of years. Jobs Obama assured us were “gone forever” have come back, and not just the part time jobs Obama’s policies forced people to get in multiples so as to make enough money to survive.

AMERICAN! AMERICAN!” That’s a word you won’t see if the Colorado State University has its way. They say that “American” is a non-inclusive word that should be avoided, so they have officially banned in in their Online Inclusive Language Guide, which would be better described as their “Speech Police Guide.” This is a natural result of the liberal influence and control in universities all over the country. My expectation is that other universities will follow suit and ban the word, “America,” too. This is how the liberals work. They do such things and then wonder why we say they “hate America.” I look for them next to BAN the American Flag as “not being inclusive.”

COSTS $40 TRILLION BUCKS!” “Crazy Bernie Sanders” has finally admitted that his Medicare for All” program will cost American taxpayers $40 TRILLION DOLLARS. What he doesn’t tell you is that only those willing and able to WORK for a living will be paying into that $40 Trillion bucks—not those who “don’t wish to work,” the “moochers” of society. It’s pure socialism, that system that DEPENDS on being able to STEAL the “fruits of the production of new wealth” from those producers for the benefit of the moochers. Which means that those paying for his program will be paying for everybody, including those who “would rather not work.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A speaker at Harvard says, “All Christians should be locked up.” More stupidity from northeastern liberals… North Korea has the audacity to send the United States a bill for $2 million dollars for “Otto Warmbier’s medical expenses” for medical problems CAUSED by them while torturing him to death. Somebody needs to wake Kim Jong Stupid to reality, if he wants to keep living. America is getting very tired of his stupidity and its effect on human beings… Good for Whoopi! When the conservative group, “Proud Boys,” confronted Whoopi Goldberg at her home, she actually came out and engaged them in respectful debate. Unlike left-wing outfits like ANTIFA, who commonly employ violence to shut up all opposition to their ideas. I’ve regained some respect for Whoopi, although I still disagree with most of her ideas

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