Wednesday, July 3, 2019

They Really Don't Care

AOC went down to the border and took some pictures—of herself crying next to a fence that was supposed to surround a detention center, but was actually at a parking lot miles way. And her eyes were dry. There was no tear-stained makeup running down her face. No. She didn’t want to look less than her best for the cameras. She wasn’t there because she cared about the “plight of the illegal aliens,” she was there to try and gain support for one of the bills she supports.

COREY BOOKER’S GUN LIE: He seems to think that gun licensing cuts gun violence by 40%. Where does he get that? Oh. He pulled it out of his frazzled imagination. Must be a lot of pressure running for president with 19 others in the same party. Oh yes. He did have a basis for that claim. Unfortunately, his basis is as phony as he is. His statement is based on a “flawed study” that came out a few years ago and was instantly refuted by looking at a few facts. But it has been cited many times by different anti-gun fools, as if it were true. That’s in spite of the fact that the “findings” in this “study” were based on a GUESS. So far, ALL such “studies” have been refuted by an infusion of facts, but many of them are still cited by anti-gun fools.

IT IS A RIGHT, DUMMY! Ask Amy author Amy Dickenson says, “The gun lobby is gas lighting Americans to think owning guns is a right.” What a dunce this bimbo is! Owning and using guns IS A RIGHT! One guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, which is the very BASIS for all our laws. When she says otherwise, she is displaying her amazing IGNORANCE on a subject on which she PRETENDS to be an expert. This is how anti-gun fools work. They put things into the national consciousness that are not true, repeat them over and over, hoping people will come to believe them because they have been repeated so often.

CRYING ABOUT WRONG THINGS: The Dumocrats constantly try to misdirect us by “crying about the wrong things.” In South Bend, IN, Mayor Pete is trying to justify a justified killing, while liberals whine about “cops killing another black man.” Never mind the black man was trying to kill them. Last I heard, if you try to kill a cop, he’s justified in shooting back. And if you die then, that’s on YOU. At the southern border, AOC is whining about “poor children being separated from their parents.” Never mind the fact (proven) that few of them are really their parents. They are “rent-a-kids” used to con the border control people. Again forgetting the fact that there were there to commit a crime, and overwhelm our border control by force of numbers. While meanwhile the Dumocrats refuse to allocate money to do their job for the border control people.

AMERICAN FLAG OFFENSIVE? That’s what Colin Capernick, famous anti-American fool thinks, anyway. He’s like AOC. If a day goes by without him being noticed, he has to do something stupid to get noticed. Today’s fool act is to convince Nike to drop their new line of “4th of July” shoes with American flags on the heels because a few people think they’re “offensive.” Now who the hell might that be, you ask? Other anti-American people, of course. Why people actually LISTEN to this fool is beyond me. I guess there are fools everywhere. I’ve certainly met a few. The American flag can only be offensive to anti-American people, and if they don’t like where they live, we should deport them. Nike’s stocks should “drop like a bomb” after the new gets out. They should have to declare bankruptcy soon because they have become anti-American and they have no business here.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Mueller Report was not even out yet, so Dumocrats had no possible way to know what was in it, OR what parts had been blacked out. Or why. Even so, they are already (as this is written on Wednesday, before it is scheduled to come out, on Thursday) accusing AF Barr of a “cover-up.” This should make their scam plain as day, and they know it. But they persist in it and keep repeating it. That’s how they operate. Repeat their lie until gullible people believe it… Dumocrats have now “subpoenaed” Deutchbanke records. Good luck with that. Deutchbanke will probably tell them to go to hell… I thought AOC was full of herself yesterday, and that was before I saw part of the video she has had made that paints herself as “the savior of the world, battling that “evil”, uh, Climate change that doesn’t exist, and in 12 years, it will become obvious it’s a con. Maybe. None of AlGore’s 10-year “predictions” came to pass, but he’s still “coining a lot of dough” out of his swindle. I say “part of it” because I got to a point where I could no longer sit and watch her make such a colossal fool of herself…

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