Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Insanity Prevails

The family of a victim of the mass shooting in Las Vegas is now suing the MANUFACTURERS of the guns used to kill a bunch of people, instead of the family of the killer, the killer being the one responsible. The gun makers are a LAWFUL industry who make a useful, LEGAL product, that can be MISUSED by fools such as the killer in Las Vegas. To allow them to be sued, costing them a lot of money to defend themselves, is a travesty, and is stupid. If the suit succeeds, just think of the “can of worms” that would open for the manufacturers of all kinds of LEGAL products to be sued for the actions of their CUSTOMERS.

DISTORTED VIEW: Professor Michael Eric Dyson likens Betsy Ross Flag to the Swastika. Legal Insurrection asks: “How can someone with such a distorted view of history remain employed by such a prestigious university as the one for which he works?” The answer is simple: the people doing the hiring think the same way as he does. There are way too many liberal fools in “academia” today, brainwashing our impressionable children while charging them “highway robbery” prices to do it. This needs to change. A concerted effort needs to be made to find professors with opposing views. But that’ll never happen with the fools who are now in charge having to hire them.

GUN GRABBERS ARE IMBECILES: Because they have to know everything they do doesn’t work, but they keep doing it, anyway. Actually, doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result is also the definition of INSANITY. Meanwhile, they won’t even entertain the ONE THING that can actually DO something about “gun crime,” allowing the law-abiding to arm themselves so they’ll “have parity” with the ILLEGALLY-ARMED criminals. They seem to think that CRIMINALS all buy their guns legally, which they do not. But you can’t convince them of this. Criminals break laws. They do it every day. So it is really stupid to think they will obey the laws these fools get made.

CAN YOU WAVE A WAND?” Former (thank God) President Obama once tried to ridicule than candidate Trump’s claims to “bring back the jobs” by asking, “Can you just wave a wand and bring them back?” Well, I don’t know if he just “waved a wand,” but the jobs did come back. The unemployment figures are lower than they have EVER been in memory. Probably period. Obama wants us to believe the boom we’re now experiencing was started under him. But he revealed his incompetence to make things better by telling us that, “The good days are behind us and we should get used to unemployment for millions.” And now he’s trying to take credit for what Trump surely did.

WE KEEP ELECTING THEM: Why the hell do we keep electing anti-gun fools to offices where they can make more and more stupid, useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do NOTHING to “stop gun crime” and, instead, make it easier for law breakers to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY those silly laws? The laws they pass are patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They should be punished for passing them. Every lawmaker who votes in favor of such laws should be punished because they are passing laws they have to know are unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the Founders messed up by NOT providing punishment for lawmakers who knowingly make unconstitutional laws.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They couldn’t get Mueller to “phony-up” anything they could use to “railroad” President Trump, so now they’re attacking Mueller, and new AG Barr, “assuming” (without any evidence, as usual) they are both just Trump mouthpieces. They never give up… Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib has just labeled HERSELF as a terrorist sympathizer. She says she “feels like a Palestinian” and that’s a definite no-no for a U. S. Representative who wants to get re-elected, any time soon… Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar says she has received increased death threats since her insensitive and stupid remarks about 9/11. I don’t believe that for a minute. Somebody who really wanted to kill her would just do it. Death threats are just “for the effect.” And to CLAIM death threats is just to make herself feel more important, As if anybody gave a tinker’s damn what she says…

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