Monday, July 15, 2019

America Is Roaring!

In spite of everything the left has done to prevent it, so as not to give President Trump any victories. But Trump is still winning in many places, places the left cannot reach. He has found many ways around their obstruction. One of the most recent roadblocks the left has tried to place in his way is the Obama-appointed judge who thinks he can block a president’s wishes to the extent that he (or she) has told the Trump people they could not use the attorneys they wished to use in a frivolous suit designed to thwart his attempt to direct that a citizenship question be returned to the census form (Obama ordered it removed, so Trump can reverse that, too).

THEY CAN’T UNDERSTAND IT: Dumocrats have worked very hard to lower the approval rating for President Trump. Similar efforts have worked before. They certainly worked when they used them on George Herbert Walker Bush, and he lost the election that would have given him a second eight year term. They almost did the same to his son, who did manage to win his second term. But no matter how they lie, no matter how many phony “scandals” they try and attach to him, their schemes and scams just don’t work, and that mystifies them. They just can’t understand how a “dolt” like Trump can not only maintain a good rating. He attains record levels of approval after the Dumocrats have done everything in their power to block and obstruct him. He has the actual backing of the people, and Dumocrats just can’t understand that.

THE LATEST DEMOCRAT SCAM: Finding slave owners in the families of their opponents and demanding their resignations because of it. What they can’t understand is that back then members of BOTH political parties had members of their families who were slave owners, and they are in danger of getting themselves in trouble on that score. Barack Obama himself had family members who owned slaves, half black or not. Mitch McConnell is against “slave reparations” because nobody now living owned slaves. And he rightly responds with an accusation of Barack Obama, whose MOTHER’S family held slaves. The list of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members in Congress is long, with Strom Thurmond heading the list. And you can bet most of their families owned slaves.

EVERYTHING IS RACIST: At least, for Dumocrats, that is. AOC is one of the worst at this. Every time somebody rightly criticizes her for being stupid, she cries racism. Which means actually that she has no other answer, so she just calls them names. And racist is one of the favorite insults from Dumocrats. Sexism is another. AOC now accuses Nancy Peelosi of racism for criticizing her, while other Dumocrats call AIR CONDITIONING sexist. They really think we’ll buy their racism and sexism accusations when in actuality, their continued use of the epithet cheapens it, and makes it a useless insult. But they’re not smart enough to figure that out for themselves.

CALL ME RACIST: I feel left out. AOC has yet to call ME racist. She has called everybody else who criticizes her racist—or sexist—or bigot, or something else just as stupid. She just the other day called Nancy Peelosi racist for criticizing her. Never mind there’s really nothing in Nancy’s comments that have anything to do with race. Now she’s calling Kellyanne Conway racist because Kellyanne criticized her. Does she really think there is no reason other than racism or sexism for people to criticize her? It’s just her stupidity, I guess. She is just too stupid to realize there is ample good reason to criticize her. How a woman this dense ever got elected to the congress is beyond me. I guess her constituents just aren’t too bright.

BANKRUPTCY PART OF THE GAME: Part of my ritual every morning is to read the funnies on the Internet, But one of the comments to an editorial cartoon noted Trump’s few bankruptcies, and said “maybe we should rely on someone who is not a failure to be the president. Like most anti-Trumpers, he only noticed the bankruptcies, and not the many successes Trump has realized on the way to becoming one of the richest men in the nation. What he doesn’t realize is that bankruptcy is “part of the game.” Declaring bankruptcy on an unprofitable venture while pursuing the profitable ones is NOT “failure.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Crazy Bernie” Sanders says, “We are going to transform this country!” Yeah Bernie! Bring back the bread lines. Boost the Food Stamps numbers way up there. Give Bernie and his friends more control… The “Other Muslim” in Congress is saying Nancy’s lack of standing up for the antisemitic statements made by Rep. Omar is due to “white privilege.” Thus showing that a demented Dumocrat can make ANYTHING into racism if it suits their purposes. I got a clue, folks: antisemitism is uniquely Muslim. It’s written in the Koran, the “Bible of Islam”AOC wants to make laws forcing those who work for a living to subsidize those who “choose not to work,” since they will never do it on their own. What will happen if she is successful, is there will be fewer people who DO work, for them to loot. There will come a time when they will “go on strike,” a la Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Then their “socialist paradise” will collapse, as it has in Russia, and now in Venezuela…

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