Tuesday, July 9, 2019

"Coming Under Fire"

President Trump’s plans to use tanks in the celebration of the fourth of July are “coming under fire” from Dumocrats. Surprise, surprise! Dumocrats complaining about President Trump? Damn! Dumocrats complain when President Trump MOVES. No matter what he does, Dumocrats will complain. And they think we don’t notice that Trump can do NOTHING without them painting it a “bad.” He reduced taxes and they tried to belittle that. He caused the unemployment figures to CRASH and they tried to belittle that. According to them, he can do no right. But that’s okay. He’s going to “skin them” in 2020 because he has the real people behind him.

A “POLITICAL EVENT”: Dumocrats say Trump was “turning the July 4th ‘Salute to America’ into a political event.” No kidding. The Fourth of July celebration has always BEEN a “political event,” and Trump continuing that is nothing new. But, of course, anything Trump does “offends” Dumocrats. I get very tired of Dumocrats whining every time Trump moves a hand. It’s not getting them anywhere, and is, in fact, reducing their chances to win anything. But they’re not smart enough to realize that, so I expect them to continue to whine over anything he does.

COPS SHOOTING BLACK PEOPLE: Dumocrats complain about cops “shooting black people” while ignoring the fact that those black people are trying to kill the cops. Cops run around in distinctly recognizable cars, wearing distinctly recognizable uniforms. They’re perfect targets for the malcontents who think it’s a “fun thing” to kill a cop from ambush. They have to be on their guard at all times, because some of these people, mostly black, like to shoot them from ambush. If I could say that about white shooters, I would. But unfortunately, white shooters who ambush and kill cops are few. The gripers ignore that.

NIKE HAS DONE IT: Along with Colin Kaepernick, they have declared themselves to be anti-American. In America. And by so doing, should have condemned them and their braid to failure. You don’t make enemies of your customers. Not if you want to stay in business. Kaepernick thinks because he is anti-American, the world agrees with him. They do NOT. He has ruined his own life. Now he has ruined the brand that employs him, with the aid of a stupid executive who thinks alienating most of America is good business.

DEMOCRATS THREATEN A CHILD: Eight year old Ava Martinez made a series of very funny videos on Facebook that made fun of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez by repeating her words. That made Dumocrats very mad (they have no sense of humor), and they made death threats against this precocious child, so she’s not going to make any more. So I guess they can claim a victory over an 8-year-old child. Brave people! Dumocrats have been advising other Dumocrats to use violence against Trump supporters all over, so people who aren’t young enough or big enough to defend themselves won’t “dare” wear a “MAGA” Hat in public, lest they be assaulted by an out-of-control Dumocrat.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They say AOC “turned into a bumbling mess” when asked to name 3 reasons to impeach Trump, and they’re wrong. AOC IS a “bumbling mess.” She didn’t “turn into one” when asked that question… Ilhan Omar is now saying, “I lived through presidential harassment” after President Trump criticized her for her very insensitive remarks about 9/11, attempting to make herself a victim because of rightful criticism of her stupidity. She’s working very hard to out-stupid AOC. The only thing that might save her from early retirement is the overwhelming Muslim nature of her constituency… Charlize Theron says her boy decided he was a girl at age 3. Well, I guess that does it, then. A 3-year-old is certainly smart enough to make such a decision, isn’t he? NOT… Now Dumocrats, since they couldn’t prove collusion, are saying there “might” have been “unconscious collusion,” by Trump retweeting planted Russian items. They’re really desperate, folks…

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