Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Ratio: 800 to 4

In Minneapolis there are 800 cops. One of them is a plain murderer who knelt with his knee on a petty criminal’s neck until he was dead. Three other cops (rookies) stood around and let it happen. Maybe they knew what the outcome would be, and maybe they didn’t. But they will be punished, nevertheless, as will that ONE cop who knowingly murdered that petty criminal—who should not have been executed for passing a (maybe) counterfeit $20 bill. But is that a good reason to punish 796 other cops, many of whom are good people doing a hard, thankless job, while being threatened by the thugs they hunt, every day? Thugs who would just as soon kill them as look at them? And often do?

ALL LIVES MATTER: The “Black Lives Matter” crowd bristles whenever anybody says, “ALL Lives Matter,” as if saying that detracted from their narrative. But it is a simple truth, and cannot be denied, which is why they fight it so vociferously. All lives DO matter, and anybody who denies it is a racist. Yes, black people CAN be racist—against white people. Some white people still harbor the slavery mentality, and that’s a shame. But the ones who do are becoming fewer and fewer—and that’s good. We should all judge each person we meet by what they DO, and what they ARE, not by the color of their skin, their nationality, or their religion—or anything else except what they ARE, as an individual. By the content of their character, as Martin Luther King said.

GUN BANS (DON’T) WORK: New Zealand effectively banned guns, entirely. They don’t have a Second Amendment like we do, so they can do it. So their country ought to be the safest place on Earth, right? WRONG! Since their gun ban, gun crime has skyrocketed. Since the ban went into effect, they have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a decade. Last year there were 3540 instances where the “bad guys” had a gun. So what the hell GOOD is their ban? The number of guns seized by the police is up 50% over the number taken five years earlier. Of course, intelligent people are not in the least surprised by this. We predicted it. But intelligent people apparently are not running New Zealand.

GIVE UP YOUR ARMED SECURITY: Many dimwitted fools are demanding we disband the police forces in this country. The fool politicians who push disarming LEGAL gun owners almost all have their own ARMED security details to protect them. Do they think they’re something special? Of course they do. And they can afford it. They have YOUR MONEY to spend on it. And what do you want to bet if more individuals started getting their own armed security, they’d instantly move to prevent that from happening? They just don’t want the average American to have the means to defend themselves while they maintain that they need it.

VOTER SUPPRESSION POLLS: I don’t believe the polling. They are way to easy to skew in the direction those polling wish. They do it in many ways. One way is the very questions they ask. They are carefully designed to elicit the wish-for answers. Another way isto carefully select the places where then polls are made. I’ve frequently talked about them “polling Dumbocrats in the lobby of the DNC.” And that’s not far from the truth. They commonly do their polling in areas they KNOW are “Dependably liberal” and can be depended upon to give the “right answers.” They do it to make voters think they’re losing, so why bother to vote?

OUT OF THE BASEMENT, JOE: There are many people telling “Sleepy Joe” Biden t get out of his basement and start seeing people. President Trump is one of them. Whenever Biden “comes out of his basement” and says something, chances are it is a gaffe and something that will make his numbers go down. His closest advisers are arguing differently. They recognize that his numbers go up when he is NOT talking to people, so they want him to stay in his basement. So I say, “Get on out there Joe! Talk to people. Insult them. Say impossible things. Make impossible promises. Do what you do best!”

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