Monday, June 22, 2020

Racist Suggestion

Amy Klobuchar is a racist. Like most Dumbocrat politicians, all she thinks about in all things is race. Now she has “dropped out” of the hope of a VP call from “Dumb Joe” Biden, says he should appoint a black woman to be his running mate. On the plus side, if there is a black woman who is qualified, she SHOULD be considered, but not BECAUSE of her race, ignoring it. Of course, all this is moot, because Biden isn’t going to get near the White House, so his pick for VP just doesn’t matter.

SHINE THEIR SHOES? Not a chance. I will never prostrate myself before ANY man, whatever his color. I am not responsible for the prejudice of the last century because I judge all people, as Martin Luther King said, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. If they’re black and a SOB, I’ll call them that. If not, I will not call them that. It’s as simple as that. I have never discriminated against black people, and I don’t understand the thinking of those who do. So I have nothing to “repent.” Chik-Fil-A notwithstanding.

GEORGE FLOYD’S PHONY $20: One thing that has been ignored in all the hoopla about George Floyd’s death at the hands of that “bad cop” is the $20 bill he tried to pass. Passing counterfeit money is a crime—IF you know you’re doing it. There is a great possibility he didn’t know because there are millions of counterfeit bills “in circulation” and anybody might be “passing one” without knowing it. That’s the reason for that ubiquitous “yellow pen” cashiers use whenever you present them with a bill $20 or bigger. Not necessarily to catch YOU passing one, but to keep their employer from taking one.

THOUSANDS OF BLACK LIVES: The “Black Lives Matter” fools just haven’t thought this through. If the cops are gone, thousands of blacks are going to get killed. Thousands of whites, too. Without cops to keep things under control, many people are going to die at the hands of law breakers, who are happy as hell that the move to abolish the cops is gaining ground because they see that as an opportunity. An opportunity to victimize the rest of us, unimpeded by the cops. Without cops, the law breakers, who will always be armed, are in control. They can do what they want, to you and your family.

SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM: In West Palm Beach, Florida (where I used to live), in response to the riots, the mayor, who is a Bloomberg supporter, declared a “state of emergency” and banned the sale of guns and ammunition. Of course, those of us with any degree of intelligence (which apparently doesn’t include this mayor) know that does NOTHING to stop the law breakers from getting their guns—and it is the law breakers who ARE the problem, not the law abiding. So their solution to the problem is to make the potential victims of gun crime completely defenseless against it, while doing nothing to stop it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: De-funding the police. This has got to be one of, if not THE stupidest idea ever to come down the pike, and would only benefit those who want to break laws with impunity. If it ever happens, I don’t want to live where it does… The liberal media is holding its breath waiting for Biden to pick his running mate—as if it mattered… The mayor of New Orleans called demonstrators “patriots” until they attacked her home. Then she called them “domestic terrorists.” Which proves again my contention that a liberal is a liberal until attacked by other liberals… Dumb Joe Biden says he will make DACA permanent on the first day of his presidency. He’s getting a little ahead of himself. There isn’t going to BE a “first day of his presidency” or any other day, for that matter… Peelosi’s latest gig is questioning President Trump’s intelligence. But truly, I question HER intelligence in her dotage…

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