Monday, June 15, 2020

It's Always Racism

Dumbocrats don’t have anything new. If you oppose them, you are a racist. They can’t show any proof of that, but that has never stopped them from accusing before because it always seems to work. The object of their ire always seems to stop pursuing his/her argument and begins defending the racism charge because nobody wants to be thought of as racist. So they get away with the lie. And in so doing, create a false narrative that racism is rife in this country, when the true racism is theirs.

AS PREDICTED: The minute I heard about Mayor DiBlasio’s actions regarding the police and “drawing back” on law enforcement, I predicted that crime would skyrocket in NYC while people die because of his stupid actions. And, right on time, it has happened. Shootings and murders are up 100%, and people are dying. Rioters and other criminals are swarming into NYC because of the promised LACK of enforcement of the law. There were 40 shootings there from June 1 to June 7. Compare that to only 24 shootings in 2019. This kind of prediction is the easiest thing there for someone with any degree of intelligence. Something DiBlasio apparently doesn’t have.

HANDCUFFING THE POLICE: Are we going to second-guess them every time a cop is forced to use his gun in self defense for himself or for others? We’re going to make cops afraid to use their guns, even when their lives are threatened, and that’s going to cost cop lives, and incidentally, the lives of those they are supposed to be protecting. There’s a move afoot to disarm the cops, and what we’re doing today accomplishes that, by making them afraid to use their guns for fear of being fired, and worse, imprisoned themselves, together with the very people they have put there.

CONTROLLING FREE SPEECH: They SAY they’re just trying to stop “hate speech,” but what Facebook and Twitter is really doing is limiting freedom of speech. They can only get away with it because they are a private business, not the government. The Constitution prohibits the GOVERNMENT from punishing people for saying things with which they do not agree, but does not, for anybody else. But in so doing, they are unduly affecting the 2020 election in favor of the Dumbocrats. If anybody has the guts to do it, they can be prosecuted for that, but I’m not holding my breath.

COPS KILL BLACKS MORE: It is known that the cops kill black men more often than white men, and that they go after them more often. Liberals use that to condemn them because of those figures. What they don’t tell you is that black men commit crimes many times more often than white men. That’s not my opinion, it is FACT. The criminals use racism as an EXCUSE to criticize cops for actually doing their jobs when it involves injuring or killing blacks. The same is true of the “Back Lives Matter” fools. Criminals see a chance to cripple the cops and they’re working to accomplish it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: NYC Mayor DiBlasio is taking his stupid pills. He’s talking about defunding NYC cops, which will just cause crime to skyrocket. But he’s too stupid to know that… One city council member is saying that calling the cops when threatened is a “privileged act.” It is NOT. We all pay taxes to support our police and are ALL entitled to call on them to do their jobs. That council member is just sowing his elitist attitude… As predicted, crime is skyrocketing in “Chaz,” where rioters have taken over and think they have formed their own country. Rapes and robberies are rife, with no cops to respond, or investigate. How stupid these people are… I keep seeing the question, “Would you vote for a third term for Obama?” Aside from the absurdity of the question itself since he was one of the worst presidents ever, the whole idea is illegal since the Constitution prohibits a third term for ANY president…

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