Tuesday, June 2, 2020

It's Not All Cops

People are “demonstrating” all over the country about the murder of George Floyd, blaming ALL COPS for the actions of ONE bad cop. I say bad cop because it is now known that he had been the subject of 19 previous complaints of excesses that went unpunished. 99-44/100% of all cops out there are great people, doing a hard job with no thanks, and then they get blamed, “en masse” for that one bad cop’s actions. Criminals are sensing “blood in the water” and hoping to eliminate the effectiveness of ALL cops, if not get rid of them altogether, which would be a tragedy for the law-abiding because the cops are all that stand between us and the criminals wreaking havoc on our lives, unhindered.

WHY WON’T THEY LEARN? The very definition of insanity is “doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.” Chicago has some of the stiffest anti-gun laws in the nation, yet every week we see more and more people killed by gunfire. what’s WRONG with these people? Can’t they see their laws aren’t working? Are they blind? Stupid? All over the country they’re making anti-gun laws while the law breakers are flouting them and committing their crimes with their ILLEGAL guns—something no amount of limitations on LEGAL gun purchase and ownership is going to stop, or even slow down.

NOT DEMONSTRATION: RIOT! They are billing the black riots all over the country using the death of George Floyd as “demonstrations” But they ARE “riots” designed as an excuse to burn and otherwise destroy the private property of innocent people who had nothing to do with Floyd’s death, and don’t even live in the same city. What began as a demonstration has been “taken over” by ANTIFA-style goons whose only goal is as much destruction as possible. These are the same people who appear at all demonstrations and turn them into riots, for their own purposes. It has been noted that many of the rioters who have been arrested do not live where they are rioting, and that the same people are seen at riots all over the country.

JUST TAKING WHAT’S OURS”: One gutty reporter confronted one of the rioters in Minneapolis and asked why they were causing violent riots and that rioter had the audacity to say, “We’re only taking what’s ours!” What a misguided notion THAT is! The property of other does NOT belong to those rioters. They are “the dregs of society” who are USING the death of George Floyd as an excuse to steal property that is NOT theirs. These riots have ceased to be about Floyd’s death and have become a vehicle for chaos and thievery. The fools have taken over the streets.

OUTRAGE! OUTRAGE! Rioters are outraged that government forces would use deadly force to quell what has become often deadly rioting, ostensibly because o the murder of George Floyd, but which has devolved into often deadly attacks upon innocent people and their property for no reason. I guess they expected us to “knuckle under” and cower in fear at their antics, but NO! We don’t knuckle under to fools. In one place a National Guard trooper actually fired at a truck that was speeding toward a roadblock with obvious intent to kill somebody. He missed, but I don’t think it was an accident. Those people are not trained to miss. I believed he missed because he didn’t want to kill anybody—just stop that speeding truck—and he did. The driver fled in another direction.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Black activists are giving the cops a hard time because they “clocked” a woman from behind while she was clocking a cop—TWICE. They’re a bunch of fools. If that woman thought she could hit a cop without any reaction, she was gravely stupid, and so were the black activists who laid the blame on the cops. If she didn’t want to get hurt she shouldn’t have attacked the cops… President Trump finally declared ANTIFA a “terrorist group.” I’ve always wondered why it took so long… Is this racism? Jackson, Mississippi cop, a black man named Myron Smith, is seen with his hands clearly choking another black man.. With all the coverage of the death of George Floyd, you’d think there’d be more coverage of this outrageous act. But NO! Both participants are black, so the media’s not interested since it doesn’t advance their racism narrative…

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