Thursday, June 25, 2020

Irresponsible Idea

That’s just one word that is applicable to those who want to dissolve the police departments in the country. Other words are, stupid, idiotic, short-sighted. Think about a rich country that had a strong army to defend itself with, that dissolves that army and disarms it. What do you think will happen when another country that wants what they have discover they are now completely defenseless? They will attack it and take it over. Trash it, and kill its people with no opposition. We’re looking at a similar situation with the cops. They are the only real defense we have against those who want to “take us over,” steal our property and money, and lord it over us. To defund or disband the cops is folly because it is an engraved invitation to the bad guys to come after us.

CREATING ANTI-WHITE DISCRIMINATION: In one place, near an Atlanta Wendy’s, there was a road block, with people saying, “No white people on this street.” Black Lives Matter” leader Shaun King, is taking this opportunity to say, “Statues of Jesus Christ should be taken down. But only the white ones.” In some universities, black students are now demanding separate quarters from white students. And these are probably the descendants of earlier students who deplored separate quarters from while students. Everywhere, liberals are picking things that are regularly done and calling them “white privilege,” which is a synonym for racism against whites. This is done to create racism where none exists, and promoting racism against whites.

MORE VIOLENCE, MORE GUNS: Politics has gotten quite a bit more violent these days, as Trump-haters go out and beat up defenseless people, just for being for Trump. Seems now disagreeing with the Dumbocrats requires violence against the “Trumper.” ANTIFA goons regularly go out and violently attack Trump supporters while the cops often “stand down” and do nothing—or ANTIFA carefully selects places and times where there are no cops in which to do their dirty work. ANTIFA is the Dumbocrat’s version of the Nazi “Brown Shirts” who they regularly sent out to beat up, and even kill people who were anti-Nazi.

HICKENLOOPER’S BLOOPER: One of his main claims to fame is that he supported people’s “right” to skin your money out of you by getting their insurance to cover “pre-existing conditions.” Dumbocrats are very good at making promises based on distributing other’s money (not theirs). Covering pre-existing conditions is stealing your money because they can wait until they HAVE a “condition,” and THEN buy insurance, hoping it will pay for the treatment. That means they can wait until they have an expensive “condition” such as cancer, and expect others to pay the cost of treatment. That takes it out of the realm of insurance and into welfare. They should be honest and CALL it welfare.

THE GREAT AMERICAN NIGHTMARE”: Nancy Peelosi says Dumbocrats are going to win back the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, and that the “Great American Nightmare” will be over. No, Nancy. That’s when it will BEGIN. IF it happens. But I don’t think America is stupid enough to let it happen today, knowing what the Dumbocrat Party stands for. If that ever happens, we will be bankrupt within a year, even while the Dumbocrats are able to print money to suit their prolific wild spending. I’m wondering about the SANITY of our current House Leader if she can misread things so badly as to think that all Trump’s ACCOMPLISHMENTS will go for naught. They’ve been working hard enough to HIDE them from us.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I just saw a lady wearing a “Black Lives Matter” shirt at that upcoming Oklahoma Trump rally and, wonder of wonders, she didn’t get assaulted, the way she would have if she wore a “MAGA hat to a “Black Lives Matter” gathering… If I were Joe Biden, I’d be shaking in my shoes, looking at the hundred thousands to a MILLION people who want to attend his latest rally, even with the virus, when Biden can hardly fill up a small hall after threatening some of his “supporters.” The only thing that keeps him in this race is that Dumbocrats can’t come up with anybody better. And that’s a shame… They just took down Teddy Roosevelt’s statue at the NYC Museum of Natural History, but they’re putting up a statue to Vladmir Lenin. Who the hell was stupid enough to approve that? They need to be fired…

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