Friday, June 19, 2020

Obama Subpoenas

Lindsey Graham finally came through and actually got subpoenas for some Obama officials. But will that be all that happens? I’ve heard this song before. Get subpoenas and pretend you’re doing something to investigate corruption and wrongdoing on the part of a major political figure like an ex-president. The “investigation goes on, with NO results. But they can CLAIM to be doing something. It’s the old “DC Song & Dance.” But nothing really happens, to anybody. Especially when that politician is a Dumbocrat.

LIFE OR DEATH ELECTION”: That’s what Planned Parenthood is calling the 2020 presidential election. Seems strange that PP should be saying such things, considering they murder so many helpless, defenseless infants every day. But they’re too stupid to see the irony there. They just murder babies and collect cash for the act, then they go and sell the “baby parts” to the highest bidder so their director can drive a Porsche.

GUN BANS WORK? In New Zealand they don’t have the equivalent of our Second Amendment. So after a major shooting a few years ago, they passed what was essentially a complete gun ban in their country. So NZ ought to be the safest place on Earth, right? WRONG! They still have armed police “until it is shown that is not necessary.” How the hell will they ever know when it is “not necessary” for their cops to be armed so they can defend themselves? Maybe they thought it “wasn’t necessary” the other day in Aukland, where two cops were shot during a “perfectly innocent traffic stop,” with one of them being killed, and the other wounded.

WHY COPS CARRY GUNS: Some fool politicians seem to think that sending unarmed cops out to enforce the law is a good idea. It is NOT. At any given time, a situation that SEEMS to be innocuous can escalate into a shooting death for the cop if he/she is not armed and ready for self defense. No amount of “gun control” is going to stop dedicated law breakers getting the guns they use to victimize the rest of us, so the cops need to be armed, or they’re just as defenseless as we are. It’s made worse by the fact that politicians almost everywhere think all they have to do is make a law against something and nobody will do it.

MEDIA LEAVES IT OUT: That’s how they make President trump look bad all the time. Recently, he said something that demonstrated his caring for the right things, and the media took a couple of words out of context that made it sound like he was saying “George Floyd had a good day,” which is not what he he said, at all, if you look at the totality of what he actually said. But this media doesn’t want to look at that. They want only to make Trump look bad, whatever he says, and they will twist it way out of shape. So far, only Fox runs the totality of his words, and that seems to be slowly changing. I see a lot more liberal spokespeople than ever before, without fact-checking what they say.

STUPID POLITICIANS: Politicians in Albuquerque are about to start sending unarmed social workers on police calls as a response to the current campaign of cop-hating. That’s going to get some of those social workers killed. And, of course, those politicians will refuse to accept responsibility for their deaths. One thing even stupid politicians are good at is deflecting blame for their incompetence. The whole idea of sending ARMED cops on such calls is that often the subjects of those calls ARE armed, and resent the interference of the cops OR the social workers, and may just shoot them. That’s why sending UNARMED social workers on police calls is patent stupidity.

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