Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What SHOULD We Do?

WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Anti-gun fools constantly blame the NRA and other pro-gun people for all the deaths attributed to ILLEGAL guns in the hands of the lawless, whether they be simple criminals, crazies, or Islamic terrorists. Yet, truth be known, it is the anti-gun fools who make it worse by limiting the number of guns in the hands of the law-abiding, making them defenseless. They decry the “fact” that we “do nothing” to stop “gun violence,” but I have to ask them, What the hell would they have us do? My granddaddy always said, “If you complain about something, give us an idea what to do about it.”

DOG AND PONY SHOW: That’s what the Dumocrats are putting on in DC now. They’re bringing in anybody they can think of who MIGHT have had SOME association with the Trump administration and asking them what they THINK about what’s going on, not what actually happened. Meanwhile, committee chairman “Pencil Neck” Schiff is refusing to allow any Republican to ask a question, and even is refusing to recognize a Republican member of his committee when they try to make a “point of order,” which, under the usual rules of order, MUST be allowed. But not in Schiff’s committee, because that seems to be what this is. Schiff is making all the rules, and changing them in mid-stream as it suits him.

GRASPING AT STRAWS: Dumocrats can’t find any real reasons to impeach this president, so they make them up. And when President Trump Tweeted about the “testimony” of the former Ukranian Ambassador (while she was still “testifying”), they called THAT “an article for impeachment.”Since when is is a “crime” for the accused to attempt to defend himself against a Kangaroo Court? “Pencil Neck” Adam Shiff has had it all his own way for so long that he doesn’t think ANYBODY has the right to oppose the railroad job he is in the process of doing. Tweeting about that ambassador’s testimony (while she is testifying and has no way of seeing it) is NOT “obstructing justice.” To say it was is merely in the imaginations of the Dumocrats who suggest it is. And that is plainly “grasping at straws.”

CAT OUT OF THE BAG: Dumocrats ought to keep AOC from talking in public without a strict scrip for her to follow. When she talks, she ruins everything for Dumocrats with her intemperate statements. Of course, that’s a good thing for the Republicans. She’s the best thing that ever happened to the Republicans. They have but to show clips of her smart cracks and stupid ideas as part of their political ads. They’ll win in a landslide, in spite of all the brainwashed liberals who vote so many ignorant Dumocrats into office so they can fleece the nation. One of her most recent flubs is telling the world that the impeachment effort was to subvert the 2020 election and throw President Trump out of office.

NOT MOVING THE NEEDLE”: They’re “concerned” that most intelligent people aren’t paying much attention to the “impeachment hearings.” They just don’t seem to care as much as DC Dumocrats do. Dumocrats think these hearings are the most important thing going on in the world, right now. But they are not. Not to anybody who understands all the good things President Trump has done for this country since he was elected. And Dumocrats do everything they can to keep them from knowing, including using their liberal media lapdogs to ignore everything he does, except to criticize it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Mexican drug cartels present as much of a threat to us as ISIS does elsewhere. So we’d better do something about them, before it’s too late… Joe Scarborough thinks Trump is a “useful idiot.” Actually, Scarborough is a “useless idiot”… Typical San Francisco. They just elected the radical son of TWO serial killer terrorists as their DA… Kamilla Harris says her campaign is failing because America isn’t ready for a female president, or any strong woman of color. In other words, America is racist, and anti-female. A typical Dumocrat excuse for failure: “It isn’t my fault”… “Free stuff for ALL!” That’s what Elizabeth Warren is promising, with YOUR money. She wants “Medicare for ALL,” and that includes ILLEGAL aliens…

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