Thursday, November 21, 2019

All About the Election

The Dumocrats are terrified that President Trump is going to win re-election for another four years, and they just can’t afford to rely on the time-tested, legal way to do things, to let the American people decide. They have come to believe what intelligent people have known, all along. That President Trump HAS the support of a MAJORITY of the American people and will, no doubt, slam the Dumocrats against the wall—again. And they want to avoid that, at all costs. They will do ANYTHING, legal or illegal, to prevent it. The current House hearings are her “last gasp.” If they fail, she might as well go back to stinking streets San Francisco and retire to her library with a lap robe over her aging knees. She’s DONE. Dumocrats are at the end of their rope.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN? The anti-gun fools would dearly love to eliminate all LEGAL guns from existence. They have no way to do anything about the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are in existence, so what happens then? First off, law breakers are “enabled.” With legal guns no longer in existence, they can have “free rein” over the law-abiding, who are then defenseless against them. But those lawless thugs will be in fierce competition with the government, which will no longer be constrained by their citizens being armed, and well able to resist their efforts to take what is theirs. So millions will die, as they have in other countries where guns were completely banned.

$50 MILLION SPENT FOR NOTHING: The last number I heard that had been spent in the Dumocrat’s effort to unseat Trump because he “hurt their feelings” by “beating them like a drum” in 2016 was $30 million. But that was before the current House “hearings” that have, again, produced nothing in the way of viable charges they can place against President Trump. I cringe when I see all those people sitting there, waiting for their five minutes of “speechmaking” in the form of inane questions, while being paid $200,000.00 a year to make laws to benefit America—which they are not doing while they are wasting hours, days, and weeks—sometimes months, in their useless effort to not only reverse the 2016 election, but nullify the landslide victory for Trump they are expecting, even if they won’t say so, out loud.

ONLY RACISTS OWN GUNS”: That remark was made by Dumocrat presidential candidate Pete, uh, Buttgurgle. Or is it Buttgaggle. I can never tell. Such a crack is ample evidence that Dumocrats simply want to control access to guns for ALL Americans so they can do what they want with them if they get elected to office by gullible voters. They will never be able to control access to ALL guns, but they don’t worry about that. The ones they can’t control are in the hands of lawbreakers, and they feel a definite kinship with them, since they are lawbreakers pretending to be the government. Slamming people who simply wish to be able to defend themselves against those lawbreakers is a common ploy.

THE CLOWN SHOW GOES ON: I’ve had my television set on “mute,” and it has been that way for most of the last three days as “Pencil Neck” Schiff’s “committee hearings” (Dog and Pony Show) continues, while various politicians make speeches disguised as questions and get nonsensical answers from people who don’t know anything, anyway. A long list of $200,000.00 a year members of Congress sit around an expensive table designed to make them look really important, listening to those inane speeches and wondering where the questions are. Behind them are their many staffers, who also make very good money, while sitting and listening to the inanities and trying to look busy.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: "Pencil Neck" Schiff is trying very hard to twist something Trump said into an impeachable offense--and failing… The ACLU is completely delusional. It thinks MEN are capable of having periods and giving birth. What vivid imaginations they must have if they think something so completely biologically impossible… The fart heard “round the world. Dumocrat Eric Swalwell ripped off a loud, stinky one on MSNBC while giving an interview. And of course, he tried to blame it on the interviewer, as Dumocrats always do. “It’s not MY fault!”… I always knew Dumocrat Rep. Al Green was stupid, and now he has confirmed it by saying illegal entry into this country is a “civil matter,” not a crime. But it IS a crime. A misdemeanor the first time, a felony for repeaters…

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