Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Democrat Pipe Dreams

AOC talks about her global warming plan that will cost multi-trillions of dollars. Warren wants “Medicare for All,” which will cost yet more trillions. She also wants to “forgive” all student loans and have the government start paying the tuition for ALL college students, which is unfair to all those who never got to go to college because they couldn’t afford it. Sanders just wants socialism, pure and simple. Come to think of it, that’s probably the best reason I don’t believe the crap the liberals put out, because I didn’t go to college. I missed being indoctrinated.

POOR CLINTONS: They’re about to go out of the “foundation business” and will soon be totally unable to pretend their bribes are “donations” to their foundation because it is about to go out of business. Its “donations” have gone down more than 90%, sine they non longer have any influence to sell. They’ll probably have to sell their multi-million dollar mansion soon, because they won’t be able to keep up the payments. One wonders how a family that was “broke” on leaving the White House managed to buy such a house. Maybe they weren’t as broke as they wanted us to think.

POOR MICHELLE! She must feel SO alone! Melania hasn’t “reached out to her” for advice on how to be a “proper First Lady.” When told of Michelle’s response to her “snub,” her answer was priceless: “I depend on MY PEOPLE for advice.” What she is basically saying is that she doesn’t need advice from the wife of the worst president we’ve had in recent years. All Michelle wants is better sales for her useless books. I’ve seen one copy in my bookstore, and it is gathering dust. The public doesn’t need advice from her, either.

DEMOCRAT VIOLENCE: The Dumocrats are constantly talking about “Trump violence.” But there has been none—not any that wasn’t started by a liberal, anyway. Many are the stories of liberals just walking up and punching conservatives in the face when those conservatives were doing nothing to them. In other cases, ANTIFA thugs go out in “packs” and usurp quiet, violence-less conservative gatherings and CREATE the violence the liberal lapdog media then blames on the conservatives. It’s a known fact that ANTIFA is a Dumocrat creation, much like the KKK, but this time to commit violence on Republicans. In a recent case, one ANTIFA goon actually assaulted a handicapped man in a wheelchair, and backed off quickly when confronted by another man who was not handicapped.

IT’S ABOUT TIME: Liberal fools have had it pretty much their own way up to now. They block roads, keep people from getting to work on time, and even vandalize property belonging to working people, while the cops stand by, or arrest the victim if he responds.. They call this “demonstrating.” But it is not. It is just making people mad—not at what they’re supposed to be demonstrating against, but against the demonstrators. In one case recently one of those juvenile “protesters” tried to block an SUV while a man was trying to get to work. When he tarted vandalizing the man’s SUV, the man got out and beat the hell out of him. Had the cops been there, they might have arrested HIM, ignoring the provocation. The cops need to just do their jobs properly, and this kind of thing will end.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: After three years of trying to find something, ANYTHING they can use to get rid of Trump before he exposes their crimes, while finding NOTHING, you’d think they’d tire of it and go do something else. But the insanity of doing the same things over and over again while expecting a different result and getting nowhere doesn’t seem to bother them… Jussie Smollett is suing Chicago cops for investigating his phony scam and finding him liable. He’s really deluded if he thinks he has any chance of winning… Dumocrat Rep. Swalwell rips a big fart on national TV and still thinks we should take him seriously. Actually, he farts every time he opens his blow-hole… “Saw it and raised!” Nancy Peelosi extended an invitation to President Trump to appear before Schiff’s committee, hoping he’d refuse so she could say he’s afraid. But he is talking about doing it, which has caused her to dirty her drawers...

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