Wednesday, November 6, 2019

"Common Sense Gun Control"

That’s one of the biggest contradiction in terms I have seen in my many years of life. What is “common sense” about laws that do NOTHING to “stop gun crime” and, instead, PROMOTE it by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the very gun crime their laws pretend to stop? What is “common sense” about creating many “gun-free zones” that become “killing zone” for potential mass killers who SEEK OUT such places in which to do their killing? What is “common sense” about making all schools gun-free zones when to do so makes them tempting targets for mass shooters while prohibiting legal gun owners from being able to bring their guns to school so as to have some chance at not only self defense, but defense of their students?

GUN CONTROL IS DEADLY: I like to talk about Chicago, where gun control is tight, while criminals have no trouble getting their guns, and the gun crime rate is the highest in the nation. But Chicago is not the worst example of the fallacy of anti-gun laws. Every large city with tight anti-gun laws has correspondingly high gun crime statistics. But that’s not the whole story: In Mexico, where the anti-gun laws are really draconian, and where only ONE PERCENT of Mexicans can legally buy guns, the gun crime rate has DOUBLED since those laws were written and imposed upon the people. This is but one more instance that proves my point. But the anti-gun fools, as usual, are not listening.

AND DO WHAT? Dumocrat Kamilla Harris bemoans politicians not doing anything about “gun violence” after that shooting at a Halloween party. So next is the question: “Do what?” What the hell does she want us to DO? She doesn’t say, because she doesn’t know. And neither does anybody else. Because the ONLY thing we can do is make it legal for the law-abiding to have their own guns, so they can dispense with the users of ILLEGAL guns by killing them when they come to victimize the law-abiding. That is a sure way to “reduce gun crime,” one gun criminal at a time. If we stop one shooting by so doing, we will have done more than ALL their anti-gun laws have ever done.

CALIFORNIA GUN KILLINGS: Wait a minute. California has some of the toughest anti-gun laws on the books, so how is this possible? Someone had to have either gotten his guns illegally or passed a background check and got them legally in order to bring off this outage. I thought all these tight laws were supposed to STOP things like this? Why weren’t they able? The truth is, this is yet another proof that anti-gun laws are useless to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” Only the law-abiding obey them, and they aren’t, for the most part, the problem. The problem people are criminal, crazies, and Islamic terrorists, who regularly kill innocent people to make a political point. And they couldn’t care less about anti-gun laws.

TRUMP WORSE THAN NIXON: Former President Nixon was forced to resign to escape impeachment because the Dumocrats “had the goods” on him. And rightly so. Today, Nancy Peelosi is saying that President Trump is “WORSE than Nixon” in the things he has done. But, like “Pencil Neck” Schiff, she never tells us WHAT he is guilty of. Because she CAN’T, since he is not guilty of anything except to have “beaten their best” in the 2026 election, and having upset all their plans to “fleece this nation.” If she does try, all she can come up with is either a disagreement on policy, or a misunderstanding (on purpose) of his actions in a simple phone call.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Trump is following Rush Limbaugh’s lead and is moving to Florida to escape the unnaturally high taxes in New York City. Word is, he’s selling the “Trump Tower.” I hope he can, but I’m sure he has many other properties there that make it difficult for him to fully escape their confiscatory taxes… “Pencil Neck” Schiff thinks he can just reject the findings of the Durham investigation into the investigators. He really thinks he has total power, doesn’t he? He needs to be REMOVED. And NOW… “Methinks they doth protest too much.” That applies very well to all the anti-Trumpers who slander President Trump daily without a ‘scintilla of evidence of any wrongdoing. I think they know they’re part of the “swamp” and think if they can discredit President Trump they will be safe from him uncovering their corruption…

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