Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What Fools They Be!

I don’t know what drives anti-gun fools, but their every move so far has been stupid. Now Elizabeth Warren wants to eliminate all armed school resource officers, making school students ABSOLUTELY defenseless against any fool who comes in wanting to kill a few children. She must really hate children to want them to be killed so easily. The very idea that the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless is pure stupidity! But they continue It, and call it “common sense.” Being so stupid should cause them to be BARRED from running for ANY office where they can actually personify their stupidity by making laws that get law-abiding people killed.

VIOLATING THE SECOND AMENDMENT: Virginia Governor Northam thinks winning the election means he can violate the Constitution at will. He has announced that he is working on a “gun confiscation” scheme now that Dumocrats are in control in Virginia. Of course, it’s not like Dumocrats haven’t been in effective control in Virginia for a long time. The Republicans might have had nominal control, but Dumocrats have controlled just about everything else. The recent election just solidified the ignorance of the Virginia voter, and they deserve the government they get.

IGNORANT, STUPID FOOLS! That’s the best description I can give to the anti-gun fools who insist on making more and more anti-gun laws when they have to know they don’t work worth a damn to limit the number of guns in the hands of criminals. All they do is limit the number of guns in the hands of the law-abiding, most of whom are NOT the problem, anyway. They only make the law-abiding, who are the favorite targets of the lawless, defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hand of the lawless. The very idea on which the anti-gun scam is based is illogical. First, you can’t eliminate crime by eliminating guns. Next, you can’t stop the lawless from getting the guns they use to victimize the law-abiding by making laws. They just ignore them. They ARE criminals, after all. They don’t obey laws.

NO NON-CITIZENS VOTE! The Dumocrats are doing all they can to increase the size of the voter list including people who don’t understand our politics and are easily led. Letting non-citizens vote is not only stupid, it is unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly spells out who may vote in our elections, and non-citizens are not on that list. Additionally, CHILDREN at age 16 just have not been on this Earth long enough to have any idea of what should be done, or who they should vote for in order to make this country better. But then, that’s what the Dumocrats want: people who will blindly follow their lead, right into the trash heap.

IT’S CLEARLY A SETUP: The House “investigation headed by “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is clearly setting Trump up to lose. His “rules,” recently passed by the Dumocrat-controlled House, lets Dumocrats have anybody as a witness against Trump, while forcing Republicans to “ask permission” to get their witnesses before the committee, lest they have something exculpatory to contribute. Something not allowed in our court system, but it’s something he is doing, right up front, flouting the American people. Fortunately, his “impeachment” is not going to get by the Senate. Hopefully, we can dump him out with the other trash in the next election. This is clearly a railroad job to get rid of /trump before he finds out his (Schiff’s) crimes.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Joe Biden should not even be considered to be president. In addition to his corruption, he is getting more and more senile, every day. Evidence of that is when he couldn’t figure out where the audience was and turned and spoke to a wall while making a speech. And there are many other good examples of his “losing it”… Dearborn, Michigan Public schools have sparked outrage by adopting an “all Halal Meat” policy, as they should. If they declared every Friday to be a “fish only” Friday as well, they should also be criticized… A well-known, and competent medical examiner has declared Jeffery Epstein to have been murdered. Will anybody listen? Probably not. So somebody will get away with murder…

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