Monday, November 4, 2019

Based On A Fallacy

One wonders why “gun control” is so unsuccessful in “reducing gun crime.” But not if you’re intelligent. Anti-gun fools apparently erroneously think that criminals only operate using LEGAL guns and, that banning legal guns will “solve the problem.” To intelligent people, this is stupid. Another fallacy is thinking that all you have to do is pass a law against guns and THAT will solve the gun crime problem. It will not. That has been proven time after time, every day. you’d think those fools would learn from their mistakes, but they apparently do not. They keep demanding we pass more and more of those useless laws every time a “gun crime” occurs.

BLOCKING AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW: They tried to pass laws that were clearly unconstitutional against gun ownership in New Jersey, and we didn’t have to wait until the Supreme Court got around to acting to get rid of them. A local judge declared them unconstitutional and blocked the City of Pittsburgh from enforcing them. In so doing, he prevented the damage that would inevitably be done illegally by those laws being enforced until the Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional. It’s common for lawmakers to make clearly unconstitutional laws and enforce them until the Supreme Court acts, which sometimes takes a long time.

A WIN IN MONTANA: In Montana they did what should be done routinely all over the country. The state Supreme Court struck down an unconstitutional law passed in Missoula to limit gun ownership and use early in the process. Such laws are patently unconstitutional and should be struck down routinely. But unfortunately, they are not. The Constitution states clearly that “the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Such laws infringe on that right and, according to the Constitution, are not laws, at all. But they are often enforced until the Supreme Court declares them unconstitutional.

ANTI-GUN HYSTERIA: It’s as if any gun is a living thing, an instrument of evil, never to be spoken of, by anti-gun fools, and sometimes people who CLAIM to be gun experts. In one case, the military called a bunch of soldiers together for a “briefing.” They were taught many different ways to keep their identities as soldiers a secret, including such things as never doing the same thing twice, so nobody could predict what you might do, at any given time. But there was one thing that was suspiciously missing from the “briefing.” Mention of being armed when off base. When asked why that was, the “briefer” replied with that age-old anti-gun saw, that you’d be more likely to shoot yourself than a criminal. This was being told to a bunch of SOLDIERS, who were well trained in gun use, by an instructor who WAS armed, off base.

BACK TO THE SIXTIES: A recent Washington Post article thinks the way to “gun safety” is to revert to the loose gun laws of the sixties where you could buy a gun through the mail without any problem. They might be onto something there. Of course, like most anti-gun fools, the writer thinks the idea that the government guarantees you the right to be armed for self defense is a “NRA construct.” It is NOT. The Second Amendment says clearly, that “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” That’s not something the NRA dreamed up, but it IS something they fully support, and fight for, in spite of the ignorant brayings of the anti-gun fools.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The headline said, “Famous actor threatens Trump’s life.” I don’t know how “famous” he is, and he isn’t much of an actor, either. But he needs to be “sweated” by the Secret Service for shooting his mouth off, if nothing else… Tom Arnold’s biggest claim to fame is being once married to a fat comedienne, who doesn’t show me much, either… Comedienne Kathy Griffith isn’t getting work, and she’s blaming “old white guys” for it. No Kathy, the person responsible is a goofy-looking redhead who thought it was funny to post a photo with a phony Trump severed head… NY Gov. Cuomo thinks any Dumocrat who doesn’t support his ignorant gun control measures should not be running. What makes him think he knows so much? It’s mostly arrogance coupled with ignorance, coupled with arrogance…

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