Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"Painfully Stupid Lawmakers"

In Oregon they are passing many unconstitutional laws, “because they can.” ANY law that “infringes” upon the Second Amendment RIGHT to be armed IS unconstitutional BECAUSE it infringes on that right. But stupid lawmakers pass them anyway, and enforce them until somebody spends enough money on lawyers to get it before the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court gets around to ruling. Then it depends on how the Supreme Court rules, and even if they declare it unconstitutional, the damage has been done. People’s lives have been ruined, money is lost, people are “stained” with the felon label. Some of this cannot be undone, even if the law is declared unconstitutional.

IT WUZ SUICIDE”: That’s what Dumocrats always call it when somebody who “put a hurt on them” winds up dead. Since before that Hillary confidant who was found in a park, dead with a gun in his hand while she rifled all his files in his office, to the guy who just died at his own home while he was waiting to get married. Then there was a man who was to testify to a Clinton crime whose death was called a suicide, who “shot himself in the head—TWICE.” There is a long list of such deaths, and most of them are called suicides, which is one of the hardest things to disprove, if a corrupt police politician says so.

YES, IT IS UNFAIR! “Crazy Bernie” Sanders says, “It’s not fair to say it’s all bad in Castro’s Cuba.” It damned sure IS, Bernie! Bernie is a dedicated socialist who sees nothing wrong with communism, which is just a “different form” of collectivism from socialism. The only difference is “cosmetic.” He objects to us calling it simple socialism. He wants us to call it “democratic socialism.” But I can’t see a difference between the two. It’s a matter of semantics. Both are based on TAKING from those who EARN, and GIVING to those who do NOT. And in their purest form, they require a dictator to FORCE people into accepting it because they KNOW that intelligent people know it is theft, and want no part of it.

THE “BAN EVERYTHING PARTY”: That’s the Dumocrat Party. They haven’t met anything they didn’t want to ban. They think, if they get elected, they have “unlimited power,” and they can ban everything they want, regardless of the law. Tops on their list to ban are guns. Just about every Dumocrat running for president right now has an “anti-gun plan.” Never mind such “plans” are prohibited by the Constitution, which is the BASIS for all our laws. They MUST conform to it, or they are not laws, at all. But that doesn’t seem to bother Dumocrats. Joe Biden says to gun manufacturers, “I’m coming for you!” For WHAT? Gun makers are engaged in a lawful enterprise. They’re not breaking any laws. So what are you going to “come after them” FOR, Joe?

IS HE STUPID? OR LYING? I’ve got to go with stupid, considering all Joe Biden’s previous stupidities. Now he’s telling us that guns have killed HALF the American population. Which tells me he’s either stupid, or he is making up his own statistics. Then he tells us he’s “coming for gun makers.” On WHAT? For engaging in a legal occupation? I think not. Biden is like all Dumocrats. They say and do whatever they figure will get them votes, and hope we don’t know any better. The big problem is that there is a certain segment of the population that DOESN’T know any better because they don’t pay any attention to politics until just before an election, when the lies are flying. My own son is one of them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Bloomberg says “old people” should be denied medical care after a certain age. Let’s wait and see if his opinion changes when he reaches that age, if he hasn't already… Peelosi apparently thinks she, and those like her, think they’re above the electorate. She was recently heard to say that “We can’t depend on the voters to vote right” I guess she just wants to be a dictator… Mike Bloomberg really thinks he can teach people how to be farmers. In actuality, he has no idea how to be a farmer since he’s never even tried it. He’s just an arrogant elitist who thinks he knows what he doesn’t know just because he has a lot of money… Peelosi says that, since they didn’t “follow her orders” in the Senate, Trump is not acquitted. This bimbo is “in denial” and should be restrained before she does even more damage to this government…

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