Thursday, February 27, 2020

Excesses of Gun-Grabbers

The father of one of those children killed by an ILLEGAL gun at that Parkland school thinks people should be jailed, just for having a gun, legal or illegal. This is the kind of excess that you can expect of fools, who think they can solve all the violence problems by getting rid of legal guns. I guess he thinks ALL legal gun owners should be jailed, including the cops and various “government agents” who are armed so they don’t get killed by those with ILLEGAL guns. The fact that ALL anti-gun fools ignore is that crime is not, for the most part, committed by people who buy their guns legally and stand for gun registration. It is committed by those who get their guns ILLEGALLY.

FREE—WITH YOUR MONEY: Dumocrats are all offering to give away a lot of money—other people’s money, not theirs, to buy votes. That’s how they win most elections—apart from ballot stuffing and other methods for stealing elections, that is. They TAKE ,oney from productive, working members of society to use in giving it to UNPRODUCTIVE, non-working members of society so they will give them the one thing Dumocrats hold dear—their votes. It’s how they stay in power. “Crazy Bernie” Sanders promises trillions of dollar’s worth of “free things” but has no idea how he will get the money to pay for it all. He doesn’t know, and he doesn’t give a damn. As one Dumocrat was heard to say, “There’s always more money.”

GUN-FREE ZONES: One of the silliest ideas anti-gun fools have come up with is the “gun-free zone.” People put up signs saying, “No Guns Allowed Here” and law-breakers fill them full of bullet holes. Law-breakers SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding people there will not be armed, because they DO obey laws, even if they know they’re stupid laws. They have to know this, but they continue to establish more and more of them, while people die there because they’re disarmed and helpless when a law-breaker brings his ILLEGAL gun there to kill a few people. So far, with one or two exceptions, ALL mass shootings have occurred IN a “gun-free zone.”

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY: One of the signs posted where they want gun buyers to go for background checks say, right out front. “$10 to CBI” and “Sales Tax Must Be Collected!” And these “fees and taxes” are collected, whether or not you pass that background check and are then “given permission” from the bureaucrats to exercise your constitutional right to be armed for self defense. And if you are “allowed” to buy a gun, you can bet there will be more “fees and taxes” to be “collected” down the line. (Just common sense)

NEVER LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE: The anti-gun fools never learn from experience. Evidence abounds that their "gun laws" not only never even slow down "gun crime," it INCREASES it. They have to know this, but they keep dragging out all their tired, old, useless "gun laws" and think they're new. The UK, for instance, has an almost complete gun ban, but have suffered a 27% INCREASE in "gun crimes." Chicago, IL has some of the tightest gun laws in the country, coupled with probably the HIGHEST rate of gun crime in the nation. Other cities with similar laws also have high gun crime rates. Meanwhile, areas with less tight gun laws and more guns in the hands of law-abiding people have much LOWER gun crime rates.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Bloomberg’s biggest problem is he’s a buffoon who thinks having a lot of money qualifies him to teach others how to do things he has no idea how to do. His second biggest problem is he never learned how to keep his blow-hole closed… I’m still waiting for the first Dumocrat to slap a “MAGA hat” off the head of somebody carrying an AR-15. Or just gutty enough to slap him silly… “Oh, Shut Up!” That’s what I say automatically whenever I hear one of those ubiquitous Dumocrat ads IMPLYING Obama’s support for a Dumocrat candidate for president. They are artfully made to imply that support without actually saying so. They actually believe that’s a good thing. For me, that’s just one more reason NOT to vote for themBernie really wants to lose. He proves it with his declarations. His most recent one that he wants AOC to be one of his closest advisers proves it. Nobody with any degree of intelligence wants AOC ad a close adviser and making that declaration is a “slap in the face” to human beings…

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