Thursday, February 20, 2020

No Posts Tomorrow

I’ll be out of town attending my grandson’s wedding after a 300 mile road trip, so there won’t be any new posts until Monday.
FORCED BIRTH CONTROL: I thought we didn’t like the communist Chinese tendency to limit families to a certain number of children as a violation of human rights. So now somebody (must be a Dumocrat) sponsored a bill in the Alabama Legislature to FORCE men to get a vasectomy, at his own expense, within one month of his fiftieth birthday or after the birth of his third child, whichever comes first. Ted Cruz objected, and was criticized by the pro-abortion crowd. They figure—and rightly so-- that would be “abortion by proxy.” And that’s what they want. But human rights do not allow the government to DICTATE how many children we can have.

GUN-FREE GREAT BRITAIN”: In England, they have an almost “gun-free country.” Having no such thing as a Second Amendment, their anti-gun laws are so complete that it’s almost impossible for a private citizen to own or carry a gun, while almost ALL “government agents” in one way or another are armed—except for a few gullible cops who go out among illegally-armed criminals and try to enforce the law upon them while not being armed, themselves. Crime should be non-existent, according to the anti-gun fools—right? Why then, were there 10,000 “gun crimes” committed in one year recently?

INSANE ACCUSATIONS: One “school official” accused a pro-Second Amendment woman of being a “school shooter because she is FOR guns in the hands of the law-abiding. At the same time, another fool accused the NRA of “making it easy to commit mass murder.” How he figures that is a mystery, since all but one or two mass murders have been done with an ILLEGAL gun. And being in favor of a constitutional RIGHT doesn’t make you a “school shooter.” Such accusations show the abysmal ignorance of the anti-gun fools. I call them fools because they have to be aware that NONE of the existing anti-gun laws have ever done a single thing to stop, or even slow down, a mass shooting. Yet they make these insane accusations, and more, in their frustration because they DON’T work.

YES, IT DAMNED SURE IS! Amy Klobachar says “Mandatory gun buybacks are NOT gun confiscation.” Amy, Amy, Amy! What PLANET do you live on? What is there about MANDATORY that you don’t understand? If you’re a gun owner (legal only) and the politicians in your area hold a MANDATORY gun buyback that means you MUST bring your gun and sell it to them for whatever lowball price they’re going to pay you. Then you go back home, gunless. What’s the difference between that and “gun confiscation,” Amy? You can’t fool intelligent people by just saying such things, Amy.

GIVE THEM 48 HOURS: Lots of people try to get guns because somebody threatened them. So the national 48-hour waiting period Bloomberg wants to impose only gives the threatener 48 hours in which to kill them before they can obtain the means to self defense. Unless they get a gun illegally. No waiting periods, there. It is an “infringement” upon our constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT to “bear arms” for self defense. Waiting periods only get people killed, as do all the other stupid, silly, anti-gun laws. And they are ALL unconstitutional because they are all “infringements” upon that right.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Poor “Ol’ Joe” Biden is so rickety he has to be led around by the hand by one of his staffers. And he wants to be president? The pressure of that job would probably kill this feeble old man… Michael Bloomberg calls California a “model for the rest of America.” Damn, I hope not. Just one more illustration of why having billions doesn’t qualify you to run the country… Former NBC personality has-been Katie Couric says watching Fox News “makes me crazy.” Don’t watch it then, Katie… Joe Biden wishes he could be alone in a room with Trump so he could beat him up. Be careful what you wish for, Joe. Trump will beat you within an inch of your life if you try it… Dumocrats say that Republicans don’t understand being constrained by law. I challenge them to prove that lie… It’s being reported that Romney has gotten death threats for going against Trump. I don’t believe it. In any case, death threats over political differences are stupid…

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