Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ignoring Reality

It just proves the anti-gun fools have a very different motive for “getting rid of guns” than lowering the crime rate when they continue to pursue their silly, unenforceable, USELESS anti-gun laws in the direct face of the fact that, even as they pass laws against guns, violent crime goes down—before any of their laws even take effect. That’s because “concealed carry” is up. Meaning their laws have NO EFFECT on violent crime. And the only viable alternate motive I can think of is to completely disarm the American population for their own purposes. They’re ignorant of yet another fact: that law-breakers don’t obey laws. That’s why we call them law-breakers.

DEADLY LIBERAL POLICY: If ever there was an obvious example of liberal stupidity it is the new policy in New York State forcing prosecutors to give their targets a “hit list” of witnesses about to testify against them so they can send somebody out to kill them before they can testify. Wilmer Rodriguez is one of the first victims of that liberal stupidity. Wilmer came to the defense of a young man who was in the process of being severely beaten and was beaten himself by the MS-13 gang members who were beating the boy and got beaten almost to death, himself, for his trouble. This courageous man was all set to testify against them in court when his name was ordered to be released to the defense attorney as part of pre-trial “discovery.” He was soon found beaten to death.

IS SHE SERIOUS? “MOMS against Guns (or something like that)” founder talks about “gun sense” and blames the “extreme view” of the gun lobby for being an “obstacle to her group’s goals.” In that she’s right, although the gun lobby’s views are NOT “extreme.” It has never been “extreme” to wish to be able to defend one’s self against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of law-breakers. Also being an “obstacle” to the wishes of the anti-gun fools is the unalterable FACT that nothing they propose has EVER stopped a single “gun crime.”

ANTI-GUN HYSTERIA: Can you believe it? Some anti-gun fools pretending to be school “officials” called the COPS on a 6-year-old CHILD for pointing her FINGER at a teacher and saying, “I’ll shoot you.” With what? Her FINGER? And that requires the local cops to waste their time responding and filling out the paperwork that comes with that response? Worse yet, the child had Downs Syndrome, which means she might not have even known the implication inherent in her words and the gesture. Mom had no problem with the child being sent to the principal’s office, but calling the COPS? That shows a stupidity that should call for the “school official” to be fired for incompetence.

HELLFIRE JOE” BIDEN: “Hellfire Joe” Biden is thinking like a dictator. He thinks a president could, and would, order a “Hellfire missile” attack upon his citizens for insisting the government obey the law of the land, and not try and take away our right to self defense. He really thinks any president who did that would not be assassinated the next day. Yes, the government does have “Hellfire missiles.” But to use them on its citizens would be the heights of idiocy because the first time they did, the citizens of this country would “take him out,” along with those politicians and bureaucrats who supported him. Impeachment would be the smallest thing that would happen to him, and don’t think he would not be convicted in the Senate. But they’d probably kill him before that.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The left is all bent out of shape over a Super Bowl ad featuring “Old Glory” which they say is a “slap in the face” to Colin Kaepernick. Riiight. It’s all about him, isn’t it? Do they really think that all we think about is this fool? If anybody ever deserved a slap in the face, it’s Kaepernick… Actress Shannon Dohrety has announced she has stage 4 breast cancer. If I operated like liberals do, I’d be cheering, like they’re doing about Rush Limbaugh’s similar announcement that he is suffering from cancer. But then, I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy. Unlike DumocratsDumocrat Klobuchar says she’s tired of hearing about the good economy. Who gets tired of haring about a good economy except a member of a party that couldn’t deliver one? And she’s tired about hearing of a good economy produced by the “other party.” Or she’s just stupid. Or both

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