Monday, May 18, 2020

Sexual Misconduct Accusations

I’m beginning to believe there isn’t a politician in DC or anywhere else who hasn’t been accused of sexual misconduct at one time or another. Accusations of sexual misconduct seem to be the most popular thing to do to smear your opponent because nobody seems to want to find any proof. They are just accepted, and the victims are forever tainted by them, proven or not. Former VP Biden has been accused, and there seems to be more proof there than with others. But Fox News commentator Chris Wallace recently noted that Trump had also had some accusations, not mentioning they were sans proof.

CREATING A CONTROVERSY: “Sleep Joe” Biden is making a big thing about saying that when (not if) he gets elected president he will not pardon Trump. Of course that assumes that Trump will NEED a pardon, which he will NOT. But really the whole subject is moot, because this old fart will never, ever get to be president and will thus not be in a position to OFFER a pardon, to anybody. Actually, there’s about three or four things for which Biden could be impeached, even if he ever did become president (a definite long shot). He’s dreaming if he actually believes he will ever sit in the White House, except as a visitor.

COPS ARREST DEFENDER: In Arlington, VA, three robbers entered a store and began robbing it. Whereupon a store employee got a legal gun brought in by the owner and shot one of the robbers, who turned out to be a teenager. The teen will survive to serve his expected jail sentence. But then the cops arrested the employee who shot him on “malicious wounding” charges, among others. He defended the store, and then HE was arrested. To make it worse, he is being held in jail until trial, since the prosecutor appealed the $25,000.00 bond the judge set. If convicted, he will no doubt be jailed, right along with the robbers. For defending his boss’s business. The cops asked him why he didn’t just run out the back door.

CIVIL WAR COMING: That’s what Rush Limbaugh thinks, anyway, and I agree with him. Dumocrats all over the country are insisting on keeping their “stay-at-home orders” in place, long after they have been proven to NOT be a preventative to the spread of the virus. Those that do let their states open put impossible limitations on business, such as limiting restaurants to 50% business. Limiting them to using only 50% of their tables eliminates ANY profit, and profit is the ONLY reason they go to work in the morning. Keeping everybody at home stops all production of goods and soon there will be shortages of everything, including food. That’s when people will start a serious rebellion.

THERE’S NO DAMNED MONEY!” At least one Dumocrat congressman went on the Floor and gave an impassioned speech criticizing Republicans for saying “there was no money” when they criticized Peelosi’s $3 trillion dollar giveaway program just passed in the House. He then asked them, “What world are you living in?” The answer to that is simple. “The real world.” There IS no money. Just the interest on the National Debt would keep most countries going for a long time. That’s BORROWED money, congressman! We borrowed it because Dumocrats spent all the money we had, and then some—and now they’re doing it, again.

NO CONCEIVABLE REASON”: Tony Keane, writing for the Canada Broadcasting News, says, “There’s no conceivable reason why an ordinary person needs a handgun.” He lists a bunch of reasons why the average person should NOT have a gun, most of them assuming incompetence and lack of training on the part of the gun owner. But what he does not consider is the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are out there already in the hands of the lawless. The cops can’t be everywhere at once, so it is up to US to defend ourselves from them, and we NEED to have our own guns in order to do it.

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