Friday, May 8, 2020

Lying To the FBI

LYING TO THE FBI: Yes, General Flynn did lie to the FBI. And they knew he was lying, because they told him what to say. And he did it to protect his son. Fathers will do just about anything to protect his offspring. I know. I’m a father. They picked him to be a victim to “get at” President Trump, and he refused to budge—until they threatened to run his son through the same wringer they used on him. THEN he lied to the FBI, using the words they fed him. So they sent him to prison for it after spending years to destroy him financially. Now he’s telling the truth and they can’t stop him, so they’ve dropped the charges—but they could be brought up again if a Dumocrat won the 2020 election, so he’s “waiting on tenterhooks” to see who wins while praying it is Trump.

JUDGE VIOLATES THE LAW: Judge Eric Moyé, the judge who sent a struggling mother to jail while fining her $7 grand for trying to feed her children violated the law when he did it. He says things are very simple: she disobeyed the judges order. But that very order was illegal because he ordered her to violate the law. That “law” wasn’t a law, it was just an “order” by the governor, which, itself, was a violation of the Constitution, which is the document that ALL LAWS must conform, or they are not laws, at all. Ant that $7 grand fine? It was “cruel and unusual punishment,” which is also prohibited by the Constitution. There comes a time, when we NEED to violate such laws, if only to point out their illegality. The American colonists violated the law when they started a war when they were ordered to give up their guns.

NO OVERRIDE HERE: Congress has failed in its effort to override President Trump’s law to stop the elimination on what he can do under the War Powers Act. So much for their interference in his foreign policy—this time. There will be more later, in other cases as Dumocrats go out of their way to obstruct President Trump in everything he does. So Trump gets to put his plans into effect, for good or ill, as with any president, it being something he is legally allowed to do, and moreover, is obliged to do. Dumocrats should quit sticking their noses into things that doesn’t concern them and get back to just doing their job.

FBI FOREVER TARNISHED: Nobody will ever respect the FBI after the various debacles it perpetrated on several different Trump supporters in its efforts to unseat President Trump, culminating in the Michael Flynn debacle. They first lied to him, telling him they were “sending a couple of guys for a talk, that it was not an interrogation and he did not need a lawyer present. Then they spent months interrogating him without a lawyer, trying to get something they could twist into a lie. Then they threatened his son, and he lied to them to protect him, mouthing the words they fed him. They tried the same tactics on Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, and are still browbeating them. But now the world knows they will do what it takes, legal or illegal, to “get something on” those they wish to destroy.

BELIEVE THE WOMAN”: Dumocrats spent a lot of time, money, and political capital to convince the world that, any time a woman claims sexual impropriety against a man, whether or not she has proof, that she should be believed, and things should go as if it was proven. Then a spate of proven false accusations came about, some of them on Dumocrats, and they quickly backtracked—where Dumocrats were concerned. They still refer to now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh as a sexual predator in spite of a complete LACK of evidence. At the same time, they insist on “due process” for Joe Biden while denying it to Republicans so accused.

GO FUND ME” FOR FLYNN: They’ve set up a “Go fund Me” page for that salon owner in Texas to help her feed her kids after all she’s been through—and that’s the right thing to do. But why has nobody thought to set up one for General Flynn? He was RAPED by the FBI over seven years of malicious prosecution. He was forced to spend all his money for lawyers to defend him, and they didn’t. He was found guilty because of a “perjury trap” they used on him—one of their favorite tactics. He is now broke, even though he is now free of those phony charges. But can he sue the FBI for damages after what they put him through—or Strzok? Probably not. So he will never recover that money, or his life. So why not?

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