Monday, May 4, 2020

And Yet Again

Nancy Peelosi just won’t give up. Not as long as she can spend YOUR money in her coup attempts against President Trump, that is. She tried the “special counsel” scam, and that didn’t work. Then she formed an “investigating committee” to see if she could “pony up” something she could hang on Trump, and that failed. All in all she spent about $50 million dollars of your money in her coup attempts and couldn’t dredge up anything she could use against Trump. So now she’s starting yet one more “investigation” disguised as a committee to make sure the money Trump spends on the virus is spent wisely. And who gets to define “wisely?” Why Nancy, of course. We need to get rid of this, uh, witch.

GUN EXTREMISTS ARE MISOGYNISTS”: That’s what Shannon Watts, founder of MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) says, anyway. My answer to that is that Watts is a fool. And my answer carries just about as much weight as her pronouncement. She has nothing else, so she just insults us. That’s because what she is pushing is a NOTHING law or laws. There is nothing concrete she can say to promote it, so she just calls us names. Like all liberals. I’ve asked many times why people like her are so stupid as to promote laws that do NOTHING to accomplish their aims, but instead, make it worse, and get no answer. Because there IS no answer. The only thing I can see as a reason for her to promote gun control is that she makes a handsome salary, paid out of the money gullible Americans “contribute.

IT DINT HAPPEN!” Three words strung together in a row. I’m surprised “Confused Joe” Biden actually got them out without making a gaffe, as gaffe-prone as he is. This with no evidence to back up his claim, while his accuser has much evidence to back her claim. Nancy Peelosi waited little time to come out and say, “I’m satisfied.” Now let’s get on with foisting this fool on us as president. (My words) There was not a scintilla of evidence against Brett Kavanaugh when she led the charge to get his appointment to the Supreme Court denied—without success, because the accuser couldn’t even say who, for sure, sexually assaulted her way back when, in the long ago dustbin of history when both were in school.

CAN’T HANDLE EXPOSURE: Nancy Peelosi seems to think she is above questions about her actions. So does “Creepy Joe” Biden. Recently reporters asked them embarrassing questions about their actions, and in Joe’s case, the actions of his crooked son. In each case, they “blew their stack” and gave that reporter hell, just for asking. The reporters backed off, but that’s not the story. The story is that both think they’re above questioning and have the right to abuse reporters for asking embarrassing questions. This is not something we should allow some of our top office holders to think. NOBODY is above the law, as they keep saying about the president, wrongly.

DESTROYING SELF DEFENSE: I’ve come to the conclusion that the anti-gun fools don’t care about safety for anybody—except for themselves. And especially not guns. Guns are only an impediment to their aims. They want to destroy the very concept of self defense for the law-abiding, while not doing much about the millions of ILLEGAL guns in circulation. Getting rid of legal guns is just “the first step.” Politicians are deathly afraid of an armed populace because of the nasty things they do to their constituents upon occasion. Not all politicians are this way, but way too many of them are.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Gen. Flynn was set up from the very beginning by liberals in the FBI who were out to put roadblocks into Trump’s way. These people should be imprisoned, themselves for gross abuse of power. They don't care who they hurt… Everybody seems to be “endorsing” Biden, who is the only Dumocrat left to endorse. Which makes their endorsements meaningless… YouTube says it will censor anything said against what WHO puts out. YouTube needs to be shut down. It can be done by simply not going there anymore in great numbers… Sleepy Joe Biden has (finally) come out and denied that sexual misconduct accusation against him, saying, “It didn’t happen.” Do you believe him? I don’t. Too much evidence this time… Peelosi is “satisfied” with Sleepy Joe Biden’s denial of the Tara allegations. Boy, isn’t she “easy!” She wasn’t so easy with accusations against Republicans…

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