Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gun Control Is People Control

Politicians don’t care about guns, except to fear them when they are in the hands of citizens. Guns in their hands, they don’t fear. But the important thing is, gun control allows them to tell us what we can, and can not do. Gun control allows them to control the people because under gun control, the people have no means of defending themselves against criminals of all types, including the ones in political office and those wearing badges. No you may say that is something that is just in my imagination, but look at this. The RICO Laws allow the cops (and through them the politicians) to TAKE your property without even bothering to convict you of a crime.

PUT UP OR SHUT UP!” Dumocrat “investigators” and non-investigators (anti-Trump politicians) are always confidently assuring us they “have clear and convincing evidence” of wrongdoing by President Trump. Bur they never tell us what it is, because there isn’t any. They just want you to believe there is. Whenever I hear one say that, I want to tell him/her to “put up or shut the hell up!” “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is the worst one doing this First it was the “Russian Collusion.” then when they couldn’t prove that, it became “obstruction of justice.” When they couldn’t produce proof of that, they looked around for something else they could accuse him of.

GOTCHA” QUESTIONS: The press corps is giving President Trump a hard time because he abruptly ended a press conference the other day after getting several “gotcha” questions in a row. A “gotcha question” is one that, any answer given makes the answer look bad. An example of a classic gotcha question is this: “Did you ever stop beating your wife?” The very question assumes the answerer is a wife-beater. Trump knows going in that many of the questions will be gotcha questions, but he tries to handle them as best he can. This time he got tired of it, and refused to suffer fools any longer. So he ended it abruptly.

ISLAMOPHOBIA”: Militant Muslims have come up with a phony word to blunt ANY criticism of any Muslim, anywhere, ever, without having to answer the criticism. The phony word is “Islamophobia,” and it imputes some kind of mental insufficiency into the critic. This way they don’t have to come up with answers to criticisms of their sometimes strange actions, and even deadly ones. Well, I can come up with phony words of my own. Mine is “NonIslamophobia,” which imputes a mental aberration into any criticism by a militant Muslim to anybody NOT a Muslim. Something to which all militant Muslims are prone. Now notice I append the word “militant” onto that, which shows that this is not a criticism of all Muslims.

THEY’RE DOING IT AGAIN: Dumocrats in Congress are trying to pass a bill into law that will inevitably weaken the Second Amendment. Their umpteenth try. This bill will do many things that are not good. Among them is the ability to INDEFINITELY delay background checks. Expands background check requirements, and offers money to anti-gun fools. If they can indefinitely delay background checks, that means you cannot buy your gun until they “graciously allow” you to do so, whenever they get around to it. We know that a right delayed is a right denied, and that’s what they want do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: CNN didn’t like the results of a recent poll on Trump’s popularity so they just buried it… Biden says he would not pardon Trump if he became president. What kind of damned fool is this guy? Trump has no need of a pardon and Biden is never going to be in a position to pardon him, anyway… The Coronavirus is still in full swing, so what are the Dumocrats going to do? Go on vacation, of course… Alyssa Milano says Trump is purposely trying to get people killed. So where is her EVIDENCE of that? Nowhere, of course, because it isn’t true. It’s a LIE… Biden says he sees “a clear path to the White House.” Yeah Joe, right up to the service entrance, where the janitors enter

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