Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Fix...Is IN!

Unless you’re an “official source,” don’t try and investigate Planned Parenthood. They’ve got the fix in, and they’ll put YOU in jail or sue you for millions of dollars before you can charge them with anything. They murder hundreds of babies in the womb (and sometimes out of it) daily, all over the country. That’s MURDER. But they have “connections” nobody seems to understand, somewhere, that “protect” them from investigation, and it you try, unless you’re “official,” they’ll come after you, as they did to David Daleiden, a “citizen journalist,” who was investigating Planned Parenthood. He actually “got the goods on them,” but they blunted his efforts by making spurious charges against him.

DOESN’T WORK WITH GANGS”: A New Zealand police commander tells us the obvious: “Gun control only works with the compliant.” The law-abiding. It doesn’t work with gangs, or other law-breakers. No kidding! Maybe we should import her and send her to the Virginia Legislature. They need somebody with a few brains. There obviously aren’t any there, considering the recent anti-gun laws they’ve passed. Of course, their governor isn’t much better. He promised a “violent confrontation” with the pro-gun folks at that recent pro-gun meeting. He, and his “compliant” media were sorely disappointed when nobody got shot and killed (while he hid in his office), in spite of all the guns that were there.

NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION! One of the most often “quoted” things “in the Constitution” is NOT actually IN the Constitution. Many people, some even considered “constitutional scholars,” talk about the “separation of church and state” as if it were IN the Constitution. It is NOT. It was only mentioned in a letter between two of the Founders, but was never mentioned IN the Constitution. In any case, liberals have used the concept wrong ever since. They see it as not allowing ANYTHING that smacks of religion (except for Islam) to get NEAR a school. What it actually does is prohibit a GOVERNMENT from requiring a certain religion, of religious practices in a school. Willing people should be able to bring religion into schools, or anywhere else, because the Constitution prohibits barring religion or its practice. Period.

THERE SHOULD BE LIMITS: The big problem with politics today is the Dumocrats and their practice of using impeachment as a “bludgeon” on President Trump. One Dumocrat has confidently predicted MANY attempts at impeaching President Trump if this one does not succeed. As such she is ADMITTING that this one will NOT succeed, and multiple attempts in the future are planned. Even now. Of course, they will use unchecked taxpayer money to do it. They have already spent more than $50 million dollars in their efforts to get rid of President Trump, and they want to spend even more.

STATE OF EMERGENCY”: The governor of Virginia is so frightened at what he has created, he has declared a state of emergency during the upcoming gun control event that is scheduled. He’s afraid the people who want to retain their constitutional right to “bear arms” will “shoot up the capitol” if they’re allowed to bring their guns with them. The truth of the matter is simple. American citizens are not going to stand for the government taking away a constitutional right to self defense and the right to buy and use the means to that, a gun. King George found that out when he tried it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Peelosi says “Trump won’t be president next year, one way or the other.” What’re ya gonna do if he isn’t “convicted” and/or is re-elected? Kill him?” That statement could be interpreted that way and you could be charged with treason, Nancy… Racism against whites. Lancet says, “The only way to stop racism is to eliminate whiteness altogether.” Does that mean they want to KILL all white people? That sounds like replacing one form of racism with another. And a vicious one, at that… Liberals are outraged because Vince Vaughn was seen actually talking to President Trump. Hey, liberal fools! People are allowed to talk to whomever they want. You aren’t their “keepers”…

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