Friday, January 24, 2020

Serial Killer Is Free

This “serial killer” has killed more people than any other known serial killer down through history. But instead of being arrested and convicted of murder for his crimes, he just lost his job and was paid $62 million dollars in a “golden parachute.” The serial killer to which I refer is Dennis Muilenburg, former CEO of Boeing. This evil man KNEW his airplanes were faulty, and liable to kill many people, but he kept making them and pressuring inspectors to keep them flying. All tolled, that was responsible for the grisly deaths of 346 innocent people. A total that would have made “General” Soleimani proud. That makes him a serial killer in my book, and he SHOULD have been subject to prosecution and imprisonment for the rest of his miserable life. There’s something wrong in this world that this didn’t happen.

STATUE OF LIBERTY PLAY”: They did it in the past when they tried valiantly to stop the approval of an honest justice to the supreme court. They had one woman who was willing to lie to please her Dumocrat “handlers,” and when that didn’t seem to be working, they suddenly “found” another equally unbelievable woman to lie for them. But that didn’t work either, and their “victim” became the latest honest Supreme Court justice. Now they’re trying to impeach a president, against whom they could NOT find evidence of any kind of a “Crime” so suddenly they “found” some fool who had only stood behind President Trump once during a photo shoot, and whom Trump didn’t know to “swear” that “Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to get Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s illegal activities.

DEMOCRAT’S LATEST SCAM: Nancy Peelosi managed to delay sending the “Articles of Impeachment” to the Senate long enough so that she could eliminate any potential presidential candidates who were members of the Senate from campaigning while the “impeachment trial” went on. That takes some of the most powerful candidates “out of the running” for a large amount of the campaign and has the effect of screwing Bernie sanders over—again. Of course, we don’t really care much about that because we don’t want an AVOWED socialist in the running. But since all the other candidates believe in socialism too, it won’t make much difference to human beings.

TOOL OF OPPRESSION”: I’m not one of your religious fanatics, but I recognize that there are some “good words” of logic in the Bible. One of those is contained in Jeremiah 6:23 where they talk about “removing the bows and spears” from the people while the “Chaldeans will be mounted on horseback bearing swords.” In other words, if you want to subjugate a people, take away their means to defend themselves against not only the average criminal, but also those wearing badges or shouting, “federal agent!” It means if you have no guns today, you cannot defend yourself against anybody, especially not “government agents,” come to subjugate you.

NO JOY IN MUDVILLE” Nancy Peelosi proclaims thar there is “no joy in this impeachment,” then goes on TV and does a long “gloat session” with an interviewer I will not name, saying, “Impeachment is forever.” Yes, it is, Nancy. Both in this instance and the one where your close friend, Bill Clinton was impeached on real charges. But that didn’t even slow him down, since he was acquitted by a then Dumocrat-controlled Senate, and then re-elected by a gullible electorate. The difference here is that the very charges against President Trump are phony and cannot be proven. That’s why Peelosi says “it’s not about proof. We can’t prove anything, so don’t kook for proof.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Iran has finally admitted what the world already knew: they “accidentally” shot down that passenger plane after “American adventurism.” Hey, Iran: it’s not “adventurism” when it is in response to many provocations and good military response to YOUR attacks. You can’t blame your own incompetence on somebody else, when you CAUSED the so-called “adventurism”… That long-faced fool, John Kerry, says, “There was not a whiff of scandal in the eight years of the Obama administration.” What world are you living in, John? If you can’t see all the scandals that erupted then, you are seriously stupid. But then, we already knew that… Well, Michelle finally did it. Succumbed to pressure and added her name to the rest of the stupid Dumocrats who think they can beat Trump…

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