Thursday, January 23, 2020

Stupid Response

What was the “instinctive response” to that civilian killing a would-be mass killer in that Fort Worth church? Why to stop that civilian from ever being able to save any lifes in the future, so the next would-be mass killer would be successful because that civilian would be unarmed, and thus defenseless. That seems to be the “knee-jerk reaction” everywhere. When somebody stops a shooter (who usually is armed with an illegal gun) from killing a bunch of people, the “powers that be” quickly move to make it impossible for that hero to be able to stop any shootings in the future. What the hell they’re thinking, I can’t fathom.

CRYING IN HIS BEER”: Virginia Governor Northam is frightened out of his panties at the imaginary possibility of violence upon himself during the upcoming “Lobbying Day” event that is expected to see 130,000 attendees, most them people who want to keep their constitutional RIGHT to “keep and bear arms,” something GUARANTEED in the Constitution, a document to which ALL LAWS must conform. But others are prepared to CREATE violence, not necessarily upon the governor, but so as to discredit the pro-gun folks. They are planning on sending in “agent provocateurs” to cause trouble and create violence. ANTIFA will probably be there, in force. That’s what that Dumocrat-created bunch does.

CALL THE COPS!” That’s what members of the Bladen County, North Carolina Board of Elections Committee threatened after a popular recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance during a meeting. They said that if it happened again at the next meeting, they were gonna “call the cops.” What law they think can allow them to waste the time of the local police force, I don’t know. A Pledge of Allegiance should not be a “disruption” of a meeting of politicians, so their thinking is faulty. But we know most politicians have faulty thinking if they’re Dumocrats, don’t we?

REPEAL THE BILL OF RIGHTS: That’s the ultimate goal of the left. The total repeal of the Bill of Rights, beginning with the Second Amendment. They just can’t handle the fact that the Bill of Rights prevents them from more efficiently “ruling” us and fleecing the country. The Second is first on their list because as long as it exists, they know they can’t just “run roughshod over us,” and that’s what they want to do—and what they WILL do if they ever manage to get rid of it. The left is what the founders envisioned when they created the Constitution and the Second Amendment. Would-be dictators who want no impediments to their power. They want to be kings, and the Bill of Rights prevents it.

JEWS: NEVER AGAIN!: During the Second World War, the Jewish community refused to be armed. They didn’t like the very idea of being armed for self defense, and that cost them 6 million Jewish lives. In New York City, after multiple hate-filled attacks on Jews, they are now attempting to arm themselves so it won’t happen again. But I predict that the liberals running things there will react the way they usually do, and put a stop to the massive movement by Jews to become armed in order to defend themselves from hate attacks. They will stop Jews from getting “carry permits,” so the Jew-haters can kill and maim them, at will.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I notice that every time the news media (including Fox) talks about “congresspeople” complaining about Trump’s killing of that terrorist pretending to be a general, they only say “congresspeople.” But I also notice that, except for ONE Republican (RINO), those “congresspeople are all Dumocrats… Dumocrat hand-wringers are so afraid of a war with that little “Mouse That Roared” in Iran that they’re going to CREATE a war… The Dumocrats keep saying Trump took Soleimani out to take attention off his impeachment. That’s the way they think, so they think that’s the way he thinks. But he doesn’t care one way or another if impeachment is in the forefront of everybody’s thinking, because it has meant millions of dollars in donations for him…

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