Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tired of the Lies!

I’m getting really tired of the OBVIOUS lies told by politicians, who aren’t smart enough to know the truth, so they make it up as they go along. Such is the case when Hillary, who went to Putin with her “little red reset button,” says, “the reset worked.” Meanwhile, Russia is firing missiles into the Ukraine, blaming them on Ukrainian “separatists” (Russian soldiers without uniforms). They’re shooting down PASSENGER planes, and if not directly, they supplied the sophisticated missiles needed to do it and showed the Ukrainian rebels how to use them. That’s as bad as firing them, themselves.

MORE LIES: Obama says, “There isn’t a SMIDGEN of corruption in the IRS,”: he tells us “the border is secure,” when we all know it is NOT. He tells us “this is the most open administration in history,” while we all snicker behind our hands because we KNOW it’s a lie. He calls all his many scandals “phony scandals done for political reasons” when we all know THAT’S a lie. The worst part of it is he expects us to believe that claptrap and just goes on as if we did. Meanwhile, nobody with any power does ANYTHING about him. He lies, then lies again to support his prior lies, and sometimes forgets the lies he told before and tells lies that say just the opposite.

AVOIDING TAXES UNPATRIOTIC? American companies are using a little-known trick to avoid paying taxes in the U. S. He says that’s “unpatriotic.” But what is unpatriotic is making taxes so high they must USE such tricks to avoid paying them. Companies should NOT have to use tricks to avoid paying taxes because those taxes threaten their ability to make a profit. Of course, profit is  “bad word” to liberals such as Obama, even though profit is the ONLY reason to BE in business! It’s the ONLY thing they must strive for. Without profit there is no reason to BE in business. What FOOLS we have running this country!

WIND ENERGY: Democrat Senator Mark Udall spends a lot of time and money (not his) to promote wind energy, which has yet to show any reason to think it will ever be a profitable means of creating energy. Meanwhile, he does everything he can to IMPEDE any other means of creating energy, just as how his mentor, Obama does. Seems to me that if wind energy had ANY promise, nobody would HAVE to “promote” it. There is no dearth of rich investors willing to put money into PROFIT MAKING endeavors. If they want no part of wind energy, that should tell Udall SOMETHING. But he’s not smart enough to see it.

CNN POINTS OUT PALESTINIAN DAMAGE: They make a big thing about the rubble and damage, and the bodies they find (especially the children) under the rubble, and make sure to mention that Israel caused it, while IGNORING the similar damage to Israel, which, thankfully, is a lot less because HAMAS is such a lousy shot. They IGNORE the CAUSE of the Israeli retaliation, making it look like Israel is attacking the Palestinians for no reason—which we all know (those of us with some intelligence) is FALSE. Meanwhile, Fox shows the same things, but adds the CAUSE of the damage.

ISRAEL-HAMAS CEASE FIRE: HAMAS has FINALLY agreed to a useless short-time “cease-fire” with Israel. They must need to regroup and re-arm after Israel destroyed many of their clandestine tunnels into Israel. They used them to get as close as possible to their targets to make their rocket bomb attacks more effective. God knows, they NEED to be more effective. Israel is “eating their lunch” and they’re now crying, “Wait, wait! Give us some time!” After they get regrouped and re-armed, and into better positions, the fighting will resume and Israel will “eat their lunch” some more.

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