Wednesday, July 9, 2014

They'll Have to Wear "Haz-Mat" Suits

They’re holding a big bar-b-cue in Texas as a fund-raiser for Obama. Tickets cost $10,000.00 each. Can you think of the LACK of intelligence it would require for even a DEMOCRAT to buy one today? (How many successful Democrats are there in Texas? Two?) I think he’s going to get a surprise when he gets there and finds not a single taker. Well, maybe one or two who aren’t intelligent, but who have money (most likely inherited). I don’t know what Obama would be raising money for, since he can’t be president any more (unless he pulls something underhanded—which he is known to do).

LIBS SUPPORTING HAMAS: I don’t know what kind of FOOLS some liberals are when they support HAMAS when they shoot rocket bombs into Israel, killing men, women, AND children. How they think that warrants support, I can’t conceive. Why ANYBODY would support an outfit that would do that, is a mystery to me. But then, it’s a mystery to me why there are so many people in the world who simply want to KILL for NOTHING. Of course, most of them are Muslms, who want to kill people for believing differently than they do. In all the conflicts all over the world, there is one thing that is a constant: Muslims.

CENSORED VIDEO: Air New Zealand has succumbed to pressure to stop using a video they made to push safety in flight, because it features women in Bikinis. I’m not much in favor of using naked women (or near naked women) in ads, but I don’t spend time circulating a PETITION to get the video banned. People who do that have way too much time on their hands. Maybe they should just go out and find a job. Then they wouldn’t have enough free time to circulate petitions to stop everybody else from seeing what THEY don't like. Of course, the hooraw over the video has caused it to be viewed by many more people than Air New Zealand could have paid for. Hmmm; maybe Air New Zealand circulated the position.

IT’S ALL THEY HAVE: Mark Udall is still running ads saying Corey Gardiner is an EXTREMIST because he sponsored legislation to ban abortion, making it a FELONY. If true, I applaud him. The funny thing is that’s all they seem to have against him. Meanwhile, Udall cast the deciding vote for Obamacare, which should, by itself, rule him OUT. Abortion SHOULD be a felony. It is MURDER. It is INFANTICIDE. You don’t have to commit MURDER if you forget to use a rubber when you have sex. You can put the child up for adoption at birth. There are numerous couples that would LOVE to adopt your child, and childbirth is not ANY harder on the body than is abortion. More lawmakers should push that idea. Maybe we could stop our holocaust that way.

OBAMA OFFERED HIT OFF A DOOBIE: I never thought I’d see the day when the president of the United States of America would be offered a hit on a pot smoke and not have the offerer escorted out. But this president actually visited a BAR (where Democrat Gov. Hickenlooper finally did meet him) where he was offered a “hit.” Would anybody have had the guts to offer one to Ronald Reagan? Or even FDR? The last president who tried to make us a socialist nation? I wonder if “Hick” accepted?

CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE! The basic question that was answered in the Hobby Lobby case is this: “Are corporations people?” The answer is, “Damned right!” But is was not completely answered in this very NARROW ruling that basically said that ONLY “closely held corporations” were people. Now I ask you: “What the hell do you THINK they are?” Corporations are MADE UP OF PEOPLE! It is a collection of PEOPLE that IS a corporation. Do those people lose their right to religious freedom because they’re part of the ownership of a corporation? I think NOT. People who insist corporations are not people are ADDLED. They’re not all there!

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