Friday, July 11, 2014

Government Incompetence

A government agency, NOT the agency that is lawfully charged with “drafting” people into the military, sent out 14,000 “draft notices” to people in their EIGHTIES. This is an example of but ONE of the ways incompetent bureaucrats waste our money. How much does it cost to print, assemble, and send out 14,000 mailings? Another example is that the government LOST $600 MILLION dollars recently. How do you LOSE that much money? I don’t know. All I know is our government did it, and I haven’t heard a WORD about anything being done about it. I could write a BOOK about such examples, but there’s not enough paper to print it.

TEXAS SUES OBAMA FOR EXPENSES: That’s what he’s suing Obama about: the cost of feeding, housing, and doctoring those tens of thousands of unaccompanied CHILDREN some damned fool in Mexico sent up here to overload our system, with Obama’s help and encouragement. Even if he wins a suit, what do you think his chances of collecting any money are? I’d say “slim to none,” with Obama’s record of IGNORING court decisions that go against him.

HAMAS COMPLAINING: They continue to shoot rocket bombs into Israel every day, even while they COMPLAIN about Israel’s response. Those bombs land in Israel, killing many people, including men, women, and CHILDREN. HAMAS has fired more than 300 rocket bombs into Israel recently, and killed COUNTLESS human beings, of all ages. Yet the international media still criticizes ISRAEL for their retaliation. That’s as usual; the media commonly is against ANYTHING Israel does, and twists their reports to make Israel look bad.

“SUE ME? FOR WHAT? That’s what Obama says about Speaker Baynor’s suit against him for his actions in CHANGING the Obamacare law without a vote of Congress. As for answering his question, I could give him a list of reasons for him to be impeached, but I don’t think there’s enough paper in existence to write it down. He’s a cocky fool who thinks he’s untouchable. He may be, as long as he controls the means of prosecution. But hopefully that won’t last forever, unless he does something ELSE illegal and stays in office after his second term is over—and Congress lets him get away with it.

TROOPS FIRED OVERSEAS: That’s what Obama is doing with his budget cuts for the military. He  won’t cut budgets anywhere else, but WILL for the military, which, as a dedicated liberal socialist, he hates. I presume this means the government will not pay for their return home, and they are stranded wherever they are, with no means to get home. This is how Obama is treating our heroes, who did his bidding for so long. He’s “leaving them in the lurch,” to get home the best way they can. Obama should be jerked out of the White House by the neck. He deserves no better. He’s worse than a bad president; he’s a DISASTER! He’s an evil bast-rd.

MEXICO IN ON THE SCAM: Ever wondered how all these CHILDREN get across the southern Mexico border on their trek toward the American border? Mexico LETS them cross and travel to the American border. They’re part of the scam. They could have STOPPED this influx, simply by enforcing their own laws. But they didn’t, allowing these tens of thousands of CHILDREN to travel through their country to bedevil the United States. We need to stop propping this weak government up with billions in taxpayer dollars. Oh, and how many DIED on the way?

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