I saw that headline and didn’t even bother to go and find out what he said because I KNOW it will be inane and STUPID. That’s the kind of guy hw is. With all Obama’s crimes, all he wants to “investigate” is an anti-Obama parade float. This man is a total loss and we will be well rid of him when the time comes, as we will when Obama goes, too.
Mexico, every voting citizen must prove his/her citizenship and get a
government-approved, tamper-proof photo/fingerprint ID card in order to vote.
And he/she must PERSONALLY come in to pick up this credential. Why can’t WE
upgrade to the same standard without being called “racist?” Because the
Democrat Party DEPENDS on voter fraud to stay in power. It’s time we stopped
crediting their arguments AGAINST such standards so Democrat voters can’t vote
several times in every election.
There’s supposed to be an Israel-HAMAS peace agreement in force. But did that
stop HAMAS from firing more rocket bombs into Israel? Not for a minute. So
Israel retaliated, and the media went bananas, as usual, blaming ISRAEL. HAMAS
ignored the agreement (as they are wont to do) and the media blames ISRAEL.
What’s WRONG with these media fools? I guess they’re determined to undermine
Israel in the news, and support HAMAS killers. Whatever, it’s “journalistic
malpractice.” They’re ABDICATING their responsibility to spread the TRUTH.
NUTS! He is saying, “The border is
completely secure” at a time when we are dealing with tens of thousands of
CHILDREN being SENT here by somebody who wants to overwhelm our border
defenses. Every day this fool (and likewise the Democrat leader in the House,
Nancy Peelosi) come up with some stupid statement we ALL know is a LIE; THEY
know it’s a lie, and they insist on telling it and DEFYING us to disbelieve it.
I think it’s worse with Harry. I think senility is overcoming this old fool.
Newark, NJ schools are broke. Or so they claim. So broke, in fact, they can’t
afford to buy books. But they CAN afford to append $20,000.00 (roughly) a month
on take-out and catered events for it’s teachers. “NBC’s New York 4 reports that the North Jersey school
system has spent $330,000 over a 15-month period on BBQ ribs, specialty
sandwiches and Halal cuisine, but the cluster of Newark schools slashed its
budget on expenditures like school building maintenance and school supplies.”
This fully illustrates the INCOMPETENCE of these “school officials.”

Afrikaners celebrating the birthday of a deceased COMMUNIST. Yes, maybe he WAS
instrumental in freeing them from “apartheid.” But he’s still a communist, and
I’d BET Russians (except the communists STILL
running things there) don’t celebrate Lenin or Stalin today. Yes,
Mandela didn’t live long enough to impose communism (in it’s fullest form) on
them so they don’t know how deadly and stupid being a communism IS and how
close they came to BECOMING a communist country.
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