Tuesday, September 29, 2020

They'll Always Tell Us

You can always figure out what hurts the left the most, and do it. They will always tell you what hurts them the most. They’ll scream at you if you do it. So the louder they oppose what you’re dong is all the more reason to do it—and right now. What they want to will almost always be WRONG, but they will think it’s right. But they will be wrong, so do the opposite of anything they want you to do. It’s a given. They always try and give us advice on what to do. So use that as a guideline as to what is the best thing to do, and do what they’re telling you NOT to do.

VIOLENCE AS A PERSUADER: The liberal Dumbocrats have run out of arguments, even they lying ones, so now they’re threatening violence if they don’t get their way. And they’ve already committed enough violence that you know they’re serious. They’ve told us that if Trump replaced Ginsberg before the election, there will be burning, looting, and assaults. They’ve threatened the same if Trump gets re-elected. It gets boring. So why not just commit the violence (or try to) so we can put somebody in jail and shut them up. They really think they can keep those things from happening by threatening violence, but they don’t expect us to be ready to repel that violence and punish them for it. They really think their threats of violence will stop us from doing what’s right, but it will not.

BIDEN IS DELUDED: Not only is he not fit to be president, he is deluded, too. He thinks the Second Amendment, which was made specifically to guarantee us the right to be armed for self defense, does not protect an individual right. There can be no more of an individual right than that of self defense, and to own and use the means to that end, a gun. Where he gets it that this is not an “individual right” is a mystery, only known in his fevered mind. Biden is “setting the stage” for the firearms banning he aims to do if he manages to get elceted, which is a far reach, since he is mostly afraid to come out of his basement to campaign against a powerhouse like Donald Trump.

IT DOESN’T MATTER TO THEM: Even if a black man is trying his best to kill a cop,, if he or she shoots back, ANTIFA and/or BLM will cause a riot that hurts people, gets some killed, and causes much property damage in response. When a cop is just sitting in his well-marked vehicle, wearing his distinctive uniform, that guy walking up to the window might just want to ask a question—or he might just shoot them, without warning. So why does anybody blame them if they are “on their guard” and quick to shoot? Of course, in today’s political climate, even if it is a “good shoot,” will the politicians in charge in his city charge HIM with a crime for defending himself from an armed criminal who is shooting at him?

WHO PAYS FOR THE RIOTS? Recently, I saw a U-Haul truck pull up, the doors were opened, and the thugs going to the riot started unloading all the tools they would need for the riot: signs, baseball bats, knives, guns, and the like. Barriers, and other things. Who paid for all that equipment? Moreover, who paid to rent that U-Haul? Somebody is the money man, even if his name is well-hidden. This is proof, even if you can’t name the money man, that these riots are a well-planned, well financed operation. The FBI needs to investigate this, and find out why local politicians do not arrest the rioters—and when they do, the politicians let them go. The idea that these are “peaceful protests” is a big load of bullsh-t.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Ilian Omar had the temerity recently to actually say “This is MY country.” It is NOT. She is an anti-American IMMIGRANT and has no right to say such stupid things. This is OUR COUNTRY, not hers… Adam Schitt...er, uh, Schiff says Republican Trump staff “of good conscience” to resign. What the hell FOR? Trump is doing many great things for America, and “good conscience” requires them to stay. Adam just doesn’t understand that because he doesn’t know what “good conscience” means. Except in the Republican Party. Adam is not only stupid, he’s arrogant, too. But then, he’s a DumbocratJoe Biden is really out of it, in case nobody but Republicans has noticed. One of his most recent gaffes is that he thinks he was first elected to Congress 180 YEARS AGO…


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