Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Protection for Me

But not for thee.” That is apparently what Chicago Mayor Lightbrain is saying to Chicagoans. She doesn’t have the guts to stop the carnage from “peaceful demonstrators” who range all over town burning the businesses owned by innocent people, hurting and killing people, and generally trashing her city, but she is really a “tiger” about protecting HERSELF and her family, as she assigns 100 cops to surround her home to “protect it from those “peaceful demonstrators.”

VIOLENCE IS NO ANSWER: The mob’s attack on Sen. Rand Paul as he left the White House is an indication of the increasing violence condoned by the Dumbocrat Party in their effort to unseat a lawfully elected president, because they’re “holding a grudge” against Donald Trump for having the temerity to “come out of the woodwork” and defeat them in 2016. They know they can’t win on the issues, so they are resorting to the violence we are seeing all over the country with people assaulting people for supporting Trump, rather than reasoning with them. They spawned the BLM and ANTIFA fools to commit violence for them without revealing their complicity.

IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION: The Founders made one glaring error when they drew up the Constitution and ratified it: they did not provide for an actual punishment for lawmakers who ignore it in the making of their laws, save the embarrassment of having their unconstitutional laws declared unconstitutional—eventually. After the damage has been done. So lawmakers are constantly making unconstitutional laws and enforcing them for years—until someone spends enough money to take it to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, and—finally--declares it to be unconstitutional. What happens then is problematic. The damage has already been done.

BANANA REPUBLIC: That’s what we’ve become. Until now, the only places where people shoot each other over politics is in a “banana republic.” Until now. Now we get reports daily of people assaulting others for wearing the symbol of their president, the “MAGA” hat, and otherwise assaulting Trump supporters. Now comes a report of somebody SHOOTING at some Trump supporters (one Trump supporter was shot and killed) while other mobs of left-wingers harass and threaten people with death as they left the White House after Trump’s acceptance speech, which required police protection for at least one duly elected senator—one who is pushing the very ideas those thugs were supporting. What’s next? An armed revolution if the election doesn’t go their way?

PROTESTERS YOUR ASS!” They’re thugs! That’s what President Trump said about the gang that harassed and threatened people leaving the White House after his acceptance speech. Threats of violence have become commonplace—and they have ALL come from one side: the Dumbocrat side. Trump supporters are “more reserved,” and are usually the ones threatened (sometimes with death) by the pro-Dumbocrat mobs. Do we really need to elect these thugs to office, where they can impose their criminal acts on us? Real politicians don’t make death threats. Only criminals pretending to BE politicians do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The anonymous message board 4Chan has positively identified that “cheap shot artist” who kicked a man already down in the street in the head, but will the liberal fools called politicians allow him to be prosecuted and jailed for the long time he deserves? Maybe not… I keep seeing the question raised: “Should Donald Trump be in prison?” But they can never give us a reason WHY. Because there isn’t any… Liberals have always loved Susan B. Anthony because she championed getting the vote for women. But as soon as President Trump honored her, out came the baseless accusations against her… Trump’s pardon of Susan B. Anthony has sure upset liberals. Does ANYTHING Trump does NOT “upset liberals?” That’s not news… Dumbocrats roundly bashed Trump at their “convention,” but they didn’t offer ANY policies to replace his, because here aren’t any “in their quiver”…


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