Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cuomo Shows His True Colors

NY Gov. Cuomo is a thug. He cares not for his constituents. He proved that by sending thousands of sick old people to their deaths by “ordering” nursing homes to “take them in” if they had the virus. Something for which he has no regrets. He blames their deaths on President Trump, of all people. Trump gets the false blame from liberals all over to divert it from themselves. Now he’s warning the president of the United States not to come to New York, or he might be killed, because he isn’t going to dedicate any resources to his protection. He thinks he has that right because Trump threatened his “easy money” if he didn’t “straighten up and fly right.

A GOOD WAY TO DIE: So-called “demonstrators” told the ICE officers trying to remove illegal alien violent criminals from this country, “We know where your children live,” making a serious threat against those children. Do they really think that will make those ICE agents “back off?” Not a chance. Those agents know how to deal with those malcontent rioters. They will be “taken down.” And if they commit violence in return, many of them are going to die. Those that are not killed will spend long years in prison. And if they actually DO go after the children of these officers, I hate to see what kind of fate awaits them.

LAWLESSNESS AT ITS WORST: There are 36 armed troops (gang members) in Mayor Lightbrain’s Chicago, and they have signaled that they will kill any cop who shows up with his gun drawn—which seals the fate of each gang member who shows up at ANY crime scene. That very threat gives every cop “probable cause” to search any gang member they see to see if he or she is illegally armed. These criminal fools think they’re going to be able to take on a well-trained bunch of cops with guns they have no idea how to use. The very way it’s popular to hold the gun while firing shows that. They turn it sideways, so the ejected shells will do themselves more damage than can the bullets from the cop’s guns.

"WE’LL SHOOT BACK”: The Sheriff of Butler County, Ohio is my kind of cop. He doesn’t take sh-t from anybody, like many of today’s law officers do. Some naturally, others under the misguided orders of the politicians that tie their hands. It pains me to see thugs pretending to be simple “demonstrators” hitting cops and not getting hit in return. Rioters holding up their cell phones in case a cop does strike back are ubiquitous at all the riots because they know the liberals in government will punish those cops, rather than the rioters if they do. Sheriff Richard K. Jones told those fools a simple message: “You shoot at us, we’re going to shoot back.” No pussy-footing around with this law enforcement officer.

WHIPPING UP HATE: Joe Biden has joined the bigots that lecture us on bigotry. Such as the father of a petty thief, rapist, and violator of a restraining order to rape again son, who got shot 7 times for his trouble as he reached for a knife in his attempt to escape from the cops who were trying to arrest him for his crimes. His father is a 100% Farrakhan supporter. Farrakhan, the man who refers to Jews as “crackers” and hates all white people. Biden’s latest ad suggests that black people should be afraid to leave their homes because the cops are “out hunting them” and “want to kill them.” ANY TIME a black man gets shot by a cop an “instant riot” ensues, even if that black man has a gun and is ready to kill that cop.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Michelle Obama is he most ignorant former first lady since Hillary. She’s now saying “This country belongs to the Muslims.” which is totally an ignorant statement. The Muslims have NO “ownership interest” in this country, and to think so shows an ignorance that is complete. This bimbo should shut up, because every time she opens her blow hole she demonstrates her ignorance… They call them “demonstrators,” but they’re just thugs taking advantage of the chaos created by incompetent liberal politicians not doing their jobs, who allow things like a thug running up and kicking a man in the head after others beat him to the ground for trying to help a woman they were beating on. He thought he could do that without paying a price, but he may be wrong… The Dumbocrats keep saying that Trump will not accept the results of the election. But why not? He will be the winner, so why should he? It’ll be a moot point…


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