Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What Is A Spy?

Dumocrats are trying to tell us there wasn't a "spy" placed into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. But they DO admit there WAS an "informant" placed there. Which brings up the question: what the hell is the difference between a spy and an informant? A spy listens and learns, then informs his handlers what he has learned. An informant listens and learns and then tells his handlers what he has learned. Their jobs are IDENTICAL, so what's the difference? Only SEMANTICS. A spy is an informant. An informant is a spy. There is no difference.

IT MUST HAVE KILLED THEM: Even CNN couldn't get out of reporting this "good guy with a gun" story, and it must have made their headline writers shake with fury to have to write it. The headline is: "Armed Citizen Kills Gunman at Oklahoma City Restaurant." Writing it might have caused them to have a nervous breakdown, I don't know. Seems like a guy walked into a restaurant and started shooting at two women. Whereupon a nearby citizen who was legally armed, shot him to death, saving the lives of those girls, and who knows how many more. CNN regularly writes that things like this don't happen. What made them actually run this story is a mystery, because it clearly marks them as liars. If the liberal media ever started covering these stories, it would make an amazing story.

JUST BAN IT! BAN IT! BAN IT! That seems to be the action of choice for the ignorant politicians who think all they have to do is ban something to take care of a problem. It's political ad time these days. The politicians screaming their stupidity is all I hear these days, and it seems the basic theme with MOST politicians is "ban guns!" "Ban bump stocks!" :Ban everything!" "Ban, ban, ban!" Or they exult that they "beat NRA!" Once. One little victory and they think the fight is over. It is NOT.

"WE MUST BAN BULLETS": The anti-gun fools have seized upon something the "founding fathers" overlooked in writing the Constitution. Actually MENTIONING the right to buy bullets. They think the Constitution doesn't give us the right to buy bullets for our guns, since bullets were not specifically mentioned. Therefore, they're starting a campaign to BAN BULLETS. They're beginning by assuming the founders didn't include bullets in their recognition of our RIGHT to self defense, and to buy and use the means to that end, a gun. They're pretending that, because the founders didn't specifically MENTION bullets in their recognition of our right to self defense. The founders never envisioned somebody so STUPID as to think they didn't include bullets, and thought it was unnecessary to specifically MENTION them. The Founders did not mention guns. They mentioned "arms." That INCLUDES ammunition, to intelligent people.

NO "WILD WEST ATMOSPHERE": One of the basic claims of the anti-gun fools is that, if the law-abiding are allowed to carry their guns, it will "create a 'wild west atmosphere,' and blood in the streets." They completely discount the "blood in the streets" already out there, with shooters using their ILLEGAL guns to shoot everybody in sight. A good illustration of that is in Chicago, where anti-gun laws are tight, but 23 people have already been shot over the Memorial Day weekend (so far). The only problem is, their silly laws never work. and they only make it worse, by DISARMING the law-abiding, making them "sitting ducks" for the lawbreakers, who can't be bothered to obey their laws. Update: the number of people shot over the Memorial Day weekend is (so far) 38.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Is anybody with any brains still listening to teenage bigmouth David Hogg? His "15 minutes of fame" is way past its expiration date, but he's still mouthing off. He's now calling for "courtesy in speech," but he's the biggest violator of that.... Idiocy personified. Alec Baldwin thinks he would beat Trump soundly if he ran in 2020. How stupid IS he? Trump would SHRED him. It amazes me how arrogantly STUPID these anti-Trump fools are.... Liberals gave Hillary a trophy for her "contributions to society," whatever THEY were. Nobody seems to know Like the one they gave a well-known former newsman for the fake"news" that got him fired. I guess they MAKE UP their "awards" so they can say people are "award-winning people"....

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