Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It Isn't Working

The Dumocrats embarked upon a "scorched Earth policy" regarding Donald Trump when he beat their hand-picked, "fixed" candidate, Hillary Clinton. Right up to 9 o'clock on election night they were arrogantly confident in her being elected--and then disaster struck. Soon it became evident that Donald Trump had beaten back their best (worst) efforts, and was now the elected president--not Hillary. So they invented the "Russian Connection" with the Trump campaign, to get him elected. They couldn't find, or manufacture any PROOF. But they insisted it was true, that they WOULD eventually find the proof they figured was there, but that they had not found it, yet. That's been their story now for more than a year. And they've spent millions of taxpayer dollars to prove it and couldn't. But they still believe it.

"I'M ASHAMED OF TRUMP!". Rocker Dave Grohl (whoever THAT is) says, "I'm ashamed of Trump." But he couldn't tell anybody WHY. Not coherently, anyway. Never mind Trump has put more money in millions of pockets by letting them keep more of the money they EARNED. Or that in one year, he has done away with MILLIONS of Obama's unemployed. Those Obama said were "the new normal." On welfare, giving up on ever finding another job, and Obama was fine with that. Trump has kept MOST of his campaign promises, in ONE YEAR. But this fool is "ashamed" of him. Stupid pills, anyone? Or did Dave take them all?

"IT WASN'T A SPY!" Trump says the FBI put a "spy" into his campaign in the 2016 election. Spokesmen for the FBI says "NO!" "Yes, we did have a 'confidential informant" embedded, in his campaign, for Trump's PROTECTION. But did they have another in the Hillary campaign to protect HER? No; apparently they didn't care about protecting her from anything. It's just SEMANTICS, folks! A "confidential informant" in Trump's campaign IS a spy in Trump's campaign! Whatever they call him for plausible deniability.

TRUMP CAN'T BLOCK TROLLS: Twitter says President Trump can't block Twitter users from his account because of the First Amendment. Everybody else can, why can't he? It's funny how liberals USE the Constitution when it suits their purposes, and ignore it where it inhibits them from their wish control all of us. The First Amendment only stops the GOVERNMENT from PUNISHING people for what they say. It doesn't stop an American citizen from getting rid of malcontents on Twitter, no matter WHO he may be. If somebody writes me a nasty letter, I don't have to read it, NOR accept any more from the same person. I can throw their letters in the trash. It's my prerogative.

RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION: The Constitution says "NO LAW" shall be made regarding religion or the free practice thereof." Why then, can the City of Philadelphia "cut ties" with Catholic Charities because they will not place children with gay families because that is against their religion? That is ABSOLUTELY religious discrimination. Soon they will act against people for "discriminating" against murderers and burglars.

"JUST MAKE STUFF UP": That's how the anti-gun fools "prove NRA wrong." The only problem is, they can't do it by making stuff up. Former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton tried it. His first point is that "gun laws stop crime." They do NOT. That is statistically PROVEN. Then he said the Second Amendment was not meant to excuse mass slaughter. In that, he's right. It was meant to AVOID mass slaughter by giving the law-abiding the right to have and use their own guns for self defense. He went on to say that more guns have not, and will not, make us safer. Again, that is DEMONSTRABLY wrong. More guns in the hands of the law-abiding HAVE, and DO make us safer, mostly by letting them kill lawbreakers. He cites no sources, because there ARE none. He just makes it up.

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