Monday, November 27, 2017

"Political Correctness"

According to "Aunty Acid" (a very funny and often prophetic comic). political correctness is, "A term used for whiny, oversensitive pansies who need everything sugar-coated for them." It's also a way to keep as many people from telling the truth about what liberals are doing to them by "banning" certain words and substituting weird, silly sounding words for them. Like "differently abled" for the handicapped. Some of the word combinations they come up with th=o mask what real words mean are actually comical. Almost as good as what "Aunty Acid" comes up with.

TOTAL IGNORANCE ON GUNS: This columnist is totally ignorant on guns. He blames the NRA for people being killed by guns when it is the LAWBREAKERS who do the killing. Very few legal gun owners kill people who do not need killing, because they are using their ILLEGAL guns to threaten them. The NRA simply stands up for the RIGHTS recognized and GUARANTEED by the Second Amendment of the Constitution for American citizens to be armed, so they can defend themselves from such people.

"TRUSTED" TO OWN A GUN? That's what the Arkansas State Police say about people who have concealed carry permits. and as such they have "entered into a contract" to not only get training, but to return to be "recertified" every few months, because some people are so stupid they "forget" basics, such as how to load a magazine. Yes, people who get guns should get trained in its use. But having to "return every few months" for further training (and to pay the fees required) is an abuse of power. First off, nobody has the right to "trust" somebody to own a gun for self defense. Owning and using guns is a RIGHT, not to be "trusted" by ANYBODY.

GUNS FOR COPS? What fool decided that cops should not be allowed to carry guns when they confront criminals, who have no qualms in carrying their guns? In Great Britain and Scotland, many cops DON'T carry guns, while criminals DO. In France too, apparently some cops are unarmed, which was revealed when some cops could do nothing but cower behind their cars and WATCH while a couple of Islamic terrorists killed 11 people at a satire newspaper for having the temerity to publish a DRAWING of their "prophet." Now Scottish cops are crying out to be allowed to carry guns, so they can defend themselves against the criminals, who HAVE guns.

I SAY "GET SERIOUS": Trump is telling the world to use military forces to fight Islamic terrorism. What the hell does he think we've been doing for the past thousand years? I say we just need to "get serious" about HOW we fight Islamic terrorism, and USE the military EFFECTIVELY in the fight. The "rules of warfare" used for the eight years of Obama's "reign," for instance, got more of OUR people killed than the enemy. We need to make rules that allow the best use of our military and become completely ruthless in our treatment of the enemy. They are ruthless in their treatment of ALL people, INCLUDING our military, so why should we treat them with kid gloves? Just KILL them, as many as possible, as quickly as possible.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: Alabama isn't buying the bulldroppings on Judge Roy Moore like many elsewhere are. Accusations without proof are not PROOF. And they're easy to make. Maybe he's guilty, maybe not. Until proof is provided, I won't buy it, either.... Liberals love to misread the Constitution. In one case, they read the constitutional prohibition on making ANY laws regarding the practice of religion or prohibiting the practice thereof as saying they should keep religion completely OUT of schools and other government installations. That's a stupid, and self-serving way to think, but that's liberals....

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