Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gibson Guitar Case Makes Sense Now

Gibson was an early victim of Obama’s war against Republican businesses, Go after them for using “illegal wood,” cost them a LOT of money not only to defend themselves, but also to throw away all their wood and buy new; then do it again after they think they’re “home free.” The IRS going directly after conservative organizations is just a continuation of that. They raided them with automatic weapons!

“ONLY GUILTY OF WORSHIPPING ALLAH”: That’s one of the signs displayed by a Muslim in a demonstration but it’s a lie. That particular Muslim might be telling the truth, but too many Muslims want to KILL people for NOT “worshipping Allah” the exact same way they do. Killing “Infidels” is right in the Koran. They’re good at ignoring facts that are against them and condemning people for doing what THEY do.

KILLING THE CANCER: Obama thinks we are winning the war on terror, because his “drone” policy has killed the “ringleaders” of the terrorists several times. But “cutting off the cancer” each time it grows doesn’t “kill the cancer.” It only prolongs it. They only replace those “leaders” and go right on killing us. We need to “kill off” the whole IDEA of killing “Infidels” who don’t believe the exact same way they do and make it untenable. Useless to them. Either that or make the whole idea something they can NOT accomplish so they’ll stop trying.

Glenn Beck collected trucksful (most of which he paid for) of needed materials and was there, in Oklahoma, almost before the tornado had disappeared in the distance. Then he and his listeners (you know, those conservatives “who don’t care about people”) raised a $MILLION AND A HALF dollars for Oklahoma in ONE DAY. Usually something like this would be at the TOP of the news. But not when Glenn Beck does it. When he does it the media gives a “collective yawn” and runs a story about a homeless man who send in $5.

KILL TERRORISTS BUT CAN’T FIRE IRS PEOPLE: They asked Lois Lerner, the “architect” of the plan to “target” any organization that SOUNDED like it was conservative, to resign. She refused. So they gave her a paid vacation and promoted her boss instead. Do you see anything wrong here? Obama can KILL people SUSPECTED of being terrorists but he can’t fire a government employee who is CLEARLY in violation of the law! Damn! What a screwed-up system we have!. Made worse by screwed up politicians.

DO WE HATE WOMEN? Notice that the two people who are under scrutiny at the IRS for “targeting” conservative groups for harassment are WOMEN. Next, liberals will be saying we’re only “going after” them BECAUSE they’re women, and Americans hate women. Of course, that ignores the fact that these women held high posts in the IRS, where they made more than $100.000.00 a year. If we “hate women,” how did THAT happen? Just like if we hate blacks, how did Obama get elected president; TWICE?

“TAKEOVER” OF EDUCATION: The basic idea presented to push “Common Core” sounds good. But the DETAILS of the law tell me it is a “TAKEOVER” of the schools while pushing parents OUT of the equation. To the point where they don't even have the right to see their children's text books! “Common Core” is “The camel’s nose under the tent” and soon we’ll be OUT of the tent and the camel will be inside.

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