Monday, October 19, 2020

They Shoulda Been Shot

All those ignorant fools who think all cops go out and look for black men to shoot take note: In Portland, OR riots, at least one man threw a Molotov Cocktail into a crowd of cops, and did he get shot and killed? No. Most cops are very particular about who they shoot. Yes, that demonstrator (rioter) attempted murder on a bunch of armed cops, yet none of them took the opportunity to kill the fool who threw it. Which puts the lie to the claims that cops just look for excuses to kill people. What they did was use non lethal methods to disperse the rioters, even though some of them had to be injured by that Molotov Cocktail. If cops really did just look for excuses to kill people, that rioter would be dead now.

TRUMP’S “SCARE TACTICS?”: The Charlotte News & Observer ran an editorial claiming the massive increase in gun sales is due to President Trump’s “scare tactics.” Really? They noted: “Firearm sales surged when the pandemic forced a shutdown in March. Now sales are rising again as President Trump warns of U.S. cities being overrun by looting mobs while police are left helpless to respond for lack of funding, support, and respect.” Trump didn’t make that up. That is really happening, all over the country. People are dying, property destroyed by “looting mobs” while the cops have their hands tied by gutless liberal politicians who should not be allowed to make rules for them.”

BUFFOON IN WHITE HOUSE”: Yes, there’s a real “buffoon” in the White House who can’t do anything right. He wanders the halls at night, wondering what to do and not coming up with anything. He wastes his time on rallies packed with his ignorant dupes and gets nothing done. Why then has he managed to accomplish so much? I've seen SOME of the things he has accomplished in his first four years, but which the liberal media ignore while lynig about his "lack of accomplishments. Who knows how many things he could accomplish in another four years—and that’s what frightens the Dumbocrats, no end. They know there is NO WAY they could accomplish as much, and they’re afraid that will make their party disappear, like the Whigs did.

DON’T DESERVE TO KNOW”: That’s what Biden thinks of the voters who have the power to put him into the presidency, or keep him from ever being able to have the keys to the White House. What an arrogant ass he is! He thinks those who can(and will) decide his future do not have the right to know how he will act when (IF) he becomes president makes him about the stupidest candidate for that office I have ever seen—and I have seen some of the dumbest, in my 83 years. Thinking the voters “don’t need to know” what he will do until AFTER they elect him (which they won’t) shows his “dictator mentality” and should forever bar him from ANY office where he has any amount of authority. He is a “budding Hitler” who plans on becoming a dictator after gullible voters elect him (if they’re that stupid).

PINKERTON DOESN’T EXIST: I can’t believe Denver’s Channel 9 is so gullible they not only hired an unlicensed “security guard” to protect their people during the riots, but they actually thought they had gotten him through the Pinkertons. Somebody should have told them that the Pinkertons have not existed since 1999, when they were bought by a Swedish security company, called “Securitas.” I know this from first hand experience because I was one of the last of the “Pinkerton men,” having lived through the transition and working for both as a LICENSED security guard until my quadruple bypass, after which Securitas dumped me. Somebody may have started another company and taken the Pikerton name, but the original Pinkerton is now Securitas.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nevada is a “swing state,” and Trump needs to get to people there. Local “officials” want to derail his campaign, so they denied him a permit for a rally because “it drew too many people." I know Trump will find a way around that, and a way to punish those responsible. Like charging them with trying to interfere with election--which they ARE trying… The real racists out there are people like Michelle Obama, who recently said that “White people are what’s really wrong with America” What if I said, “Black people are what’s really wrong with America?” I would definitely be a racist… Feds just “got around” the local politicians by placing FEDERAL charges against some of the loot…uh, “demonstrators.” They won’t be treated so gently in federal court, and their sentences will be longer…


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