Monday, October 26, 2020

Another Trump Victory!!!

Amy Conley Barrett has been CONFIRMED to be a member of the Supreme Court, thus scotching the schemes of the Dumbocrats, who have used that Court for years to “get around” the Constitution and get things done they could not get done in the Congress. So now the Supreme Court will make decisions based ON the Constitution, as iT is SUPPOSED to do, not on the whims of Dumbocrat Justices. Some Justices, in the past, have even based their rulings on FOREIGN LAW, which is ILLEGAL. Justices who rule on ANYTHING but the Constitutional directives should be impeached--or however they can be removed. One of their very worst rulings, in Roe V. Wade, was responsIble for the MURDERS of millions of innocent, defenseless babies.

OVER AND OVER: We keep trying to get through the cement that seems to surround the reasoning part of the brains of the anti-gun fools with the truth that none of their anti-gun laws do anything like what they’re supposed to do, and end up butting out heads against the concrete. Then in places like Oakland, California, Los Angeles, and Chicago, just to name a few—all of which have tight anti-gun laws, shootings and murders continue to get worse, in spite of those laws—and they ignore that, too. They keep making their stupid laws—which do exactly the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. They disarm the honest, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for the law-breakers and their illegally-gotten guns.

TOTAL LIBERAL STUPIDITY: At the University of Minnesota they are now running a “12-Step Program On Recovering From Whiteness.” And people are actually taking that seriously. I can’t believe there are that many unbelievably stupid people in the world. This is all part of the liberal goal of CREATING racism against white people. Liberals are working hard to do that, and they’re succeeding among the ignorant of the country who believe the bulldung they’re being force fed by liberals about race. “Recover from whiteness?” You can’t “recover” from something you can’t change.

THEY CAN’T HIDE IT: Most of the polls say Biden leads Trump in important places, despite his hiding in his basement, rather than campaign. But, like they were in the last election, they’re wrong. Hillary was “leading Trump” by double digits at this point in that election, according to all the polls, and she LOST. One has only to look at the usual turnout at rallies held by both candidates to see the truth. Biden has a “mass rally” attended by maybe ten people, and sometimes by NONE. Trump announces a rally and multiple thousands fight to get in, with some being refused entry because the venue is overloaded. People have spontaneous “parades” in Trump’s favor that stretch for miles. Can the truth be more evident?

LOOKIE! HE’S RUNNING!” I’ve noticed something lately that has maybe been going on for a while and I didn’t notice. Ol’ Joe Biden leaving a stage or just walking across a parking lot, and he breaks into a trot for no apparent reason. I guess he’s trying to prove how spry he still is. I can’t think of any other reason for his breaking into a trot while heading to his car. But he’s not fooling anybody. He’s an old man trying to compete in a young man’s game. If he keeps up that “trotting” thing, he’s going to hurt himself.

DO YOU BLAME THEM? Cops in liberal-run cities that are trying to defund or disband the cops are quitting in droves. Others are quitting because their jobs have become so dangerous with thugs shooting them from ambush and killing them, that they dare not put on their distinctive uniform and drive around in their distinctive squad car without fearing some fool will whip out an illegal gun and kill them as they drive past. At the same time, their liberal bosses refuse to back them when they do their jobs, taking the word of thugs and criminals over theirs in all cases. Would you stay in that job? I damned sure would NOT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: That well known traitor, Jane Fonda, is now saying, “We cannot ALLOW Trump to name a replacement for RBG on the Supreme Court.” Where does she get the ignorant idea he can be stopped? You don’t “stop” a president from doing what is his constitutional power… Dumbocrats are insisting Trump observe RBG’s dying wish that she not be replaced by him. Not going to happen. Trump isn’t interested in making Dumbocrats happy… The Dumbocrats don’t have any new “arrows in their quiver,” So they’re gonna try again what failed last time—impeachment. It won’t work this time, either… I keep hearing that Adam Schitt—er, uh, Schiff is going to lose his security clearance, but nothing ever happens. It rarely does with Dumbocrats… 

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